“Losing It”

“And when he had called the people unto him with his disciples also, he said unto them,  Whosoever will come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow me.

For whosoever will save his life shall lose it; but whosoever shall lose his life  for my sake and the gospel’s, the same shall save it.

For what shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul?

Or what shall a man give in exchange for his soul? 

Whosoever therefore shall be ashamed of me and of my words in this adulterous and sinful generation; of him also shall the Son of man be ashamed, when he cometh in the glory of his Father with the holy angels.” Mark 8:34-38

I felt impressed to change up the blog a little and do some shorter posts dealing with a particular verse or passage of scripture, exploring that thought and teaching a little deeper,

We are now so far into the end game that it is hard to diffusate the truth from the false teachings, twisted fools’ gold forged by demonic decoys whose only purpose is to seduce away souls, offering them flesh pleasing  false salvation, that is no salvation at all  while they reject the truth and condemning their own souls.

It is imperative to know the Word of God and cling to the Word of God.

Deuteronomy 11:18; “Therefore shall ye lay up these my words in your heart and in your soul…”

In this passage of scripture, Jesus is dealing with what has always been a stumbling block encountered by many as they navigate the path to salvation.

Salvation is quite simply attained, we must truly repent, we must be aware in our hearts and spirits of our shortcomings, failures, and mistakes, as scripture teaches us:

“For godly sorrow worketh repentance to salvation not to be repented of; but the sorrow of the world worketh death.”  2 Corinthians 7:10

So once we experience that godly sorrow and repent and ask for forgiveness and accept Jesus, we are free in Him, we are free from that guilt, shame, and eternal punishment that those sins would have otherwise condemned us to.

But often the world with constant escalation of hatred and mockery of God, his Word, and those who wish to serve him, some could be tempted to hide the truth of their belief fearing that they will lose the life they know, their friends, their stature, whatever it may be that they have trusted in and constructed their identify from before receiving their true identity in Christ and whom they were created to be.

But we have to be willing to lose that life, lose those friends and sometimes even our employment if that employment dishonors God, and in losing that life, God will provide with a more excellent path, one that he has chosen for us, with his blessings, his peace, and his provisions already waiting there for us and he will also bless us with those who will help us along that path no matter how many others we must forsake in our choice to live for him rather than this world.

As you notice, he minced no words with his statement concerning this adulterous and sinful generation, so poignant, because it is truly hard to fathom much worse than the godless behaviors of today which are celebrated as the truth is ridiculed along with all those who hold these truths.

We can believe in our hearts, and we can lie to ourselves that we are just being social, that we don’t want to rock the boat, or that the world has the right to be the world, true, they have that right but as a believer in Christ we have a choice and we must either choose to lose a life living a little too close to all that sin and trust him leaving it behind and never going back to any of it, and yes, this does include people who do not share your faith.

Once you are converted, you must leave it all behind, otherwise they will only destroy you and lead you back into that life that God delivered you from.

Otherwise, you will lose the life God has chosen for you as a blessing to you and you will also lose that life you have chosen above the value of your own soul.

This is why he asks what dose it profit us if we gain everything, the entire world, and the world in scripture represents all that is carnal in opposition to God and his holiness, the pursuit of all the riches, all the fake friends, all the notoriety, all the social acceptance that is now demanding complete allegiance to prevision and rampant ungodliness.

We all must make that choice, so may I suggest, choose soon and choose wisely, lose what will not profit you in the end and find a greater life and find a life eternal.

James 4:4: “…know ye not that the friendship of the world is enmity with God? whosoever therefore will be a friend of the world is the enemy of God.”

Φλογιζω 2023 NBJ/ Rev. N Brown Johnson






To shun the Son….

Jesus saith unto him, Thomas, because thou hast seen me, thou hast believed: blessed are they that HAVE NOT SEEN, AND YET HAVE BELIEVED.” JOHN 20:29 

Faith. Faith is a funny thing and sometimes we can have faith to move a mountain and then sometimes our faith errs more on the side of the mountain moving us. But we do have it, whether we always use it or not it is very much there. God told us that to all believers we are given the measure of faith and to some, even the gift of faith.

Even in our lost pre Christ days, we still have faith in things working at certain way, and cause and effect of all situations , things that are without question as, just being and working as they should and no one has to tell us otherwise. But when it comes to the Kingdom and believing for the afterlife, it gets tangled, many have no problem with the reality that as magnificent as it is, they were formed inside the womb, they grew, and bodies and minds faced amazing changes, and all taken for granted as a bald, toothless, helpless person soon started to walk, talk and explore the world and they believe this happens because it has been proven over and over as each child is born.

They could easily believe in Jesus because they had seen Him, they walked with Him, ate with Him, learned from Him and now were witness to absolute living proof that He had indeed raised from the dead. I truly believe that we are born with a knowledge deep inside of us that there is so much more than this life and even those who don’t want to seek the Lord still end up spending their lives seeking something, anything to fill that void. they seek false religions, seek paganism, humanism, and the never-ending search for alien life forms:

2TIMOTHY 3:7 “ EVER LEARNING, and NEVER able to come to the knowledge of the TRUTH.”

As those who profess to be wise, boy, we could list some doozies right there, reputable for their “brilliant” minds and lead countless people straight to hell because they detest God and want everyone else too also and have done a great job convincing the secular world that not only does he not exist, but that those who believe are of a Neanderthal  intelligence.

And yet, Jesus said that we are BLESSED. Starting with those who are crushed, afflicted, and wounded in their souls:

BLESSED are the poor in spirit; for their’s IS the kingdom of heaven.

BLESSED are they that mourn: for they shall be comforted.

BLESSED are the meek: for they shall inherit the earth.

BLESSED are they which do hunger and thirst after righteousness: for they shall be filled.

BLESSED are the merciful: for they shall obtain mercy.

BLESSED are the pure in heart: for they shall see God.

BLESSED are the peacemakers: for they shall be called the children of God.

BLESSED are they which are persecuted for righteousness’ sake: for their’s is the kingdom of heaven.

BLESSED are ye when men shall revile you, and persecute you, and say all manner of evil against you falsely, for my sake. REJOICE, and be exceedingly glad: for GREAT IS YOUR REWARD IN HEAVEN: for so persecuted they the prophets which were before you.”                                                                                             MATTHEW 5:3-12

Notice our rewards ARE in heaven, in the afterlife in which we must believe and as my last post, I know that there are those who do believe and yet refuse to accept Christ. Whatever reason, if it is just peer pressure from friends or spouses, that the world will just not think your cool anymore, you’ll be laughed at or mocked.

Well , He said when you “lose your life” for His sake, you WILL find it. When you are ready to give up the fake friends and false bravado and humble yourself into the hand of a mighty God, then, and only THEN you WILL begin to live as you were created to, and that life WILL be eternal and all the Blessing of God WILL come upon you and your life.

What most people fail to realize is this, we ALL influence someone, there is always someone who watches how you live your life and the decisions you make WILL affect them. If you choose Life eternal, how many more could you bring unto that life? If they saw the change in you and your acknowledgment of God, how can that affect THEIR eternity?

And if you refuse eternal life, you are exchanging that blessed state for an eternal cursing and again all who follow you and your ways will be more inclined to that path of destruction also.

And being a “Closet Believer” is the equivalent to being an unbeliever, Jesus said you are not condemned because you do believe but yet in not acknowledging Him to those in your life, then it like being married to a person and hiding them from your family and friends as if you are ashamed of your association with them. Being ashamed of a person means that you acknowledge them as that person you just don’t want anyone else to know that you know them.

Which is what makes it clear that in this verse, Jesus was SPEAKING to those who DO BELIEVE in HIM: 

LUKE 9:25,26: ” For what is a man advantaged (benefitted) if he gain the whole world, and lose himself (be destroyed), or be cast away (lost)? For WHOSOEVER SHALL BE ASHAMED OF ME AND OF MY WORDS, OF HIM SHALL THE SON OF MAN BE ASHAMED OF, WHEN HE SHALL COME INTO HIS OWN GLORY, AND IN HIS FATHER’S, AND OF THE HOLY ANGELS.”

So if we deny Him here on this earth, if we are too proud, too stubborn to admit we need Him, even though we believe in him, it will be counted as nothing.

Because we have chosen to deny Him in front of our peers, He will then deny us in the presence of the host of heaven itself and as He said, what will it profit then? What will anyone give in exchange for their own soul? At that time there will be no more opportunities to make it right.

So you see, BELIEVING is not quite enough, even the “devils” believe in one God and tremble”. They BELEIVE because they know He exists but they are still going to hell because they knew the judgment of God and chose to rebel against Him. It is like “having a form of godliness and DENYING the power thereof.”

 Like all who are saved from the least to the greatest among disciples and all the saints, NO ONE is of a higher standing than another in the eyes of God, and just as Nicodemus came to Him by night, so many in our world today want to do the same, come to Him under the cover of the night, come to Him in secret with the plea, “I believe, but I can’t let others know” a sad cop-out.

Well, there is only one way: ROMANS 10:9-11:


Pretty point on there, we must first believe in our hearts through faith that HE IS and we must then confess that belief openly and willingly, and then at His coming we will not be ashamed.

So we all have a choice, surrender while there is time, call on Him while He is nigh, answer the door as He knocks on our hearts, and for the record, if you are straddling this fence and putting off until tomorrow the decision for Christ, when you are not guaranteed a tomorrow to make that decision, I want you to know, if He has allowed this to come to you, you have consented by reading it, you are bound by it, you will never be able to stand before the Lord and plead blissful ignorance to these things, “to know to do good, and do it not, is a sin unto you”, heed this carefully.

You have been presented with YOUR choices, accept Him, and His Word, His Blessing, or reject Him and His blessings and keep the world, shun the Son, but know that one day, it will be you that He will shun.

Φλογίζω Σαλπιζω NBJ 2016  Original post 10/15/2015 REVISTED 01/27/2021, & 08/12/2022

“And Yet… Part 3, “Yeah, it’s still a sin…”

Neither repented they of their murders, nor of their sorceries, nor of their fornication, nor of their thefts.” REVELATION 9:11

Boy, the fun you could have right there, discussing those topics with the modern candy coats .

We all know that not many are “bold” enough, (fancy term for hopelessly self-deceived enough) to argue murder is wrong.

Witchcraft wrong. Stealing? Yep, they will agree that is probably still wrong. But get up in their business concerning their sex lives and well now, maybe that is not so wrong.

Maybe they would like to argue that this scripture is somehow misinterpreted by the closed minds of old fogies who still hold old school doctrine.  I really did not know what more I could say other than what had been said and backed by scripture in my “Sin-trifugal” force series, which deals with sex,, sex, and sex.

But I knew if it was in this verse, well, like the other two posts it needs addressed because this is concerning the coming wrath and judgments from God and this is a wake up call to the fact that God is still Holy, all the aforementioned human actions are STILL considered wrong and He STILL expects repentance and hopefully many will before it is too late.

Pornography, the number one stronghold in the known world, thanks to television, the music industry, and talk shows, and let us never forget the dear old world-wide web, there is now available at a key stroke a world so insidious and so destructive to minds and devastating to souls that I do truly believe it is the enemies strongest card in his game and it has to stop.

Pornography is not a secular problem, it has also became a huge church problem (and we all do know that) and the only way to defeat it is to admit that it is a problem, ask God for help, repent and stop it!

Don’t keep picking up sin just because the world and maybe other “Christians” say that it is okay because you’re not hurting anyone, BUT you are!

You are hurting your soul and aiding an industry that preys on others in the worst possible way and I don’t care what your office is or how many times you go to church, you can not have this in your life and go to heaven but even more, you can not have this in your life and NOT be in the list of “yet repented not” and escape the wrath of God.

We all know that everything is a two-way street, so what is “fair for the goose is fair for the gander”, so consider that and apply it to this verse, it will be as true for females even though the Lord spoke it this way:

MATTHEW 5:27,28: “Ye have heard that it was said by them of old-time, THOU SHALT NOT COMMIT ADULTERY:  But I say unto you, that whosoever looketh on a woman to lust after her HATH COMMITTED ADULTERY WITH HER ALREADY IN HIS HEART.” 

And this is where He went on to tell us if something is causing us temptation to pluck it out, cut it off, whatever it takes but get it out of our lives because it would lead to hell. When I did the original teaching on it, I wrote for a church site and wanted to be very careful and not cause them any undue reproach so I went around a little of this and just gave reference scripture But now I want to give you indisputable proof ( IF you consider the Word of God to be the authority on the subject) that it has been around for a long time, God HATED it then, Guess what? HE HATES IT NOW!

He hates it because HE LOVES HIS PEOPLE AND KNOWS IT WILL HARM THEM. This is referenced as countries and the downfalls thereof and a clear picture of what is increasingly happening to one now, BUT it is a clear picture of the influence of being tempted into lust through images, in one of its early forms and the destructive waste it cause laid.

EZEKIEL 23:12-22:” She doted upon (lusted for) the Assyrians her neighbors, captains and rulers clothed most gorgeously, horsemen riding upon horses, all of them desirable young men. Then I saw that she was defiled, that they took both one way.

And that she increased her whoredoms (harlotry) for when she SAW men pourtrayed ( portraits drawn) upon the wall, IMAGES of the Chaldeans pourtrayed with vermillion (drew with a red color), girded with the girdles upon their loins, exceeding in dyed attire upon their heads, all of them princes to look to, after the manner of the Babylonians of Chaldea, the land of their nativity;

And as SOON AS SHE SAW THEM WITH HER EYES, she doted upon ( lusted for) them, and sent messengers into Chaldea. And the Babylonians (sons of Babel) came to her in the bed of love, and THEY DEFILED HER WITH THEIR WHOREDOMS (immorality) and SHE WAS POLLUTED (defiled) with them, and HER MIND WAS ALIENATED FROM THEM, so she discovered (revealed) her whoredoms, and discovered (revealed) her nakedness: then my mind was alienated from her, like as my mind was alienated from her sister, (He was turned against them) 

YET she multiplied her whoredoms (Old English for immorality) in calling to her remembrance the days of her youth, wherein she played the harlot in the land of Egypt. For she doted upon ( lusted for ) their paramours ( illicit lovers), whose flesh is as the flesh of asses (donkeys) and whose issue is as the issue of horses. Thus thou calledest to  remembrance the lewdness of thy youth, in bruising thy teats by the Egyptians for the paps of thy youth.

THEREFORE, O Aholibah, thus saith the Lord God; Behold, I will raise up thy lovers AGAINST thee, from whom thy mind is alienated, and I will bring them AGAINST THEE ON EVERY SIDE;” 

A very clear picture of what happened, how it happened, what it caused and the consequence thereof.  Also quite a picture of certain country’s present behavior, but we’ll stick to our subject.

What you see can and will hurt you and even though you may feel like without physical action it means nothing, but reading this you can clearly see how looking lead to thinking, thinking led to setting it all in motion and then we see that THEY defiled HER with what they were and she became the same and God brought judgment down through those she betrayed him for.

This has always been a big subject to God, in the past generations people were taught to wait for marriage and that  was not questioned, and that one always married the opposite sex was also not questioned, and even though our society and “so-called “churches” has diminished it to just basic human behavior it is not, nor will it ever be.

If God lists it with idolatry, sorcery, and, killing someone, and stealing, how on earth can anyone seriously teach others that God has changed his mind?  

God wants everyone saved, sin is sin, and WE ALL HAVE sinned but God is faithful to save, and all that is required is to repent, do not be one of those who even, KNOWING the wrath of God still refuse to repent, God has given us ALL opportunity to be saved, to come to Him, and nothing shocks Him, He will never belittle or embarrass you and anything you confess to Him in secret is just that, it is between you and Him and you do not have to tell the whole world your struggles but you do have to see it for what it is and get rid of it before it gets rid of you!

 Repent and trust Jesus, In all these areas, put away false gods, forsake the devil and give up all the selfish behavior that goes with that. If you are already saved but maybe struggling a little, don’t beat yourself up, start a new day on a new path.

God didn’t call quitters, He called soldiers, who even after getting knocked down will get back up and march on, Satan just uses these things to snare and tear down so forget it, don’t talk about it and don’t think about it ( notice in our text she CALLED to her remembrance those days)  and NEVER let your guard down until God has helped you overcome it.

Quote this, pray this and get it soaked completely into your mind, because Jesus said that He would bring all things back to our remembrance that HE taught us:

JAMES: 1:12-16: “BLESSED is the man (human) that endureth temptation: for WHEN HE IS TRIED (tested), he shall receive the crown of life, which the Lord hath promised to them that love him.

Let no man say when he is tempted, i am tempted of God: for GOD CANNOT BE TEMPTED WITH EVIL, NEITHER TEMPTETH HE ANY MAN;


Do not err (do not be DECEIVED), my beloved brethren.”

Mirrors what happened in Ezekiel, I promise, Gods word never changes.

ROMANS 6:12:” Let NOT sin therefore reign in your mortal body, that ye should obey it in the lusts thereof.

Again that verse clearing states what is going on there with the reference to OBEYING sin, to obey means that something has CONTROL over you. ROMANS 6: 14: “Sin SHALL NOT HAVE DOMINION OVER YOU, for ye are not under the law, but under grace.”

There goes the control, it will not have control if you do not let it and you will be BLESSED in overcoming it. Now for those who are not quite ready to repent or think this is all funny and a big joke, well, for you, if you die unrepentant before these things come to pass, know that you will die lost and there will be no second chances and God is ALLOWING YOU A CHANCE TODAY to be saved. If you do not die and still refuse to repent when these things start to come to pass and that could be very soon, please remember this and be one who does repent.

If you would like to read more on this subject, click on my “Digging a certain something” and scroll and click on “sexuality”.

For the companion posts in this series, click here: And Yet… Part 1 “Paganism”  and also, And Yet part 2 “Sorcerers”

Φλογιζω Σαλπιζω NBJ 2016  Original Post 09/10/2016 REVISTED 07/04/22


One of our most beloved historical events in American history is the ride of Paul Revere, as he proclaimed “The British are coming! The British are coming!”

I kinda got this in my head as I pondered my lead in for this blog, I feel like Chicken Little sometimes too. 

Are they ever going to believe me that the sky really is falling?

But as a messenger of the Lord, I haven’t the option of being a chicken, so I’ll go with Revere, only I am kinda short so I’d have to ride a Shetland Pony, but it’s all gonna end the same!

My proclamation would be, “The candy coats are coming! The candy coats are coming! Then half way through I’d dismount my trusty steed, because THE CANDY COATS ARE ALREADY HERE AND NO ONE EVEN TRIED TO RESIST THEIR INVASION!

2 Timothy 2:1-7: “This know also that in the last days perilous times shall come. For men shall be lovers of themselves, covetous (money lovers), boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy, without natural affection, trucebreakers, false accusers, slanders (without self-control), fierce (brutal) despisers of those that are good, traitors, heady(reckless) high minded (haughty and proud) lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God; having a form of Godliness but denying the power thereof; FROM SUCH TURN AWAY.

For of this sort are they which creep into houses, and  lead captive silly women laden with sins, led away with divers lusts, EVER LEARNING, AND NEVER ABLE TO COME TO THE KNOWLEDGE OF THE TRUTH.”
Sound familiar? Pretty accurate description of the condition of the present world. They are the false teachers, false prophets who “preach” to ears that do not want to hear the truth, ears that want to be reassured that there is no eternal punishment for sin and that Jesus is gooey love and just begs to be worshiped with no prerequisite  for entering his presence.

No, He is Holy, we worship him, he does not worship us! We were created for his pleasure, he doesn’t exist for our pleasure!
They refuse to mention Hell, it must be called Hades, because we can’t scare people, well, HELL, HELL, HELL, not saying it is not keeping people from going there every day!

I love people, I do not bash “sinners” we were all sinners, but if you do not tell people the truth, how are they being helped?

And using the old routine to invite them into church and love on them and it will eventually rub off is a joke!
We are saved by conviction through the Holy Spirit revealing to us what miserable, wretched creatures we are.

The “rub off” theory only gives people a false sense of security that they are eternally safe. That is not true, one of the greatest old sayings is this, “The road to hell is paved with good intentions”.

Satan is using the very ones that were supposed to lead them to the Lord to instead lead them straight into hell.
As I’ve said before I know where I came from and I thank God for the people he put in my life that really did love me enough to tell me the truth!
So we can’t mention sin, we can’t mention hell but we can sure mention offerings and church events and preaching to X number of people.

Gonna look great with your doctorate degree but don’t think it’ll win you a crown.
As Jesus said, they are the children of their father, the Devil.


I will therefore put you in remembrance, though you once knew this, how that the Lord, HAVING SAVED THE PEOPLE OUT OF THE LAND OF EGYPT, AFTERWARD DESTROYED THEM THAT BELIEVED NOT.

And the angels which kept not their first estate, but left their own habitation, HE HATH RESERVED IN EVERLASTING CHAINS UNDER DARKNESS UNTO THE JUDGMENT OF THE GREAT DAY.


Likewise these filthy dreamers defile the flesh, despise dominion, and speak evil of dignities.

But they speak evil of those things which they know not: but what they know naturally as brute beasts, IN THOSE THINGS THEY CORRUPT THEMSELVES.

Raging waves of the sea, FOAMING OUT OF THEIR OWN SHAME; WANDERING STARS ( When Lucifer was cast out of heaven he took one-third of the angels with him, written as a third of the stars) TO WHOM IS RESERVED THE BLACKNESS OF DARKNESS FOREVER.” 

Now to get a Sister a little back up! It would be one thing to dispute me, but Apostle Paul is a different matter:

“Wherefore I take to you record this day, that I am pure from the blood of all men. For I have not shunned to declare unto you all the counsel of God. 

TAKE HEED therefore unto yourselves, and to all the flock over which the Holy Ghost hath made you overseers, to feed the church of God, which he hath purchased with his own blood.




Lord’s will, next time we’ll get into a little judgment that the Lord is going to bring down on all these. I guarantee you, it will not be a fruity  flavored dish either, it’ll be more like an extra, extra rare steak, juicy, meaty and really, really bloody.


All rights reserved. Rev. Nina Brown Johnson 2015 *Original post 03/22/2015/ Revisited 05/20/2022


The sun may be shining, but it is night. The birds may be singing but it is night. For most, everything may appear well-lit and crystal clear but in the spirit world it is night.
For the addict who is one hit away from the mouth of hell, it is night. For the prostitute who is one trick away from the wrong John, who will be the devil incarnate come to assure her entrance into hell, it is night.
For the bullied teenager who is one razor blade away from ending it all, it is night. For those widowed and alone, whose loneliness eats away at their souls more viciously than any cancer, it is night.
For those persecuted and imprisoned for their beliefs or simply for the sick pleasure of the forces of hell, still the brightest of days with the greatest, blinding magnification of the sun is the suffocating blackness of the  most darkest of nights.
Night Watchmen, those hired to protect and oversee the goods and properties of their employer.
These particular watchmen actually being the biblical laborers hired in at that vital eleventh hour, because as dusk starts closing in, that harvest must not only be gathered, it must also be protected from the beasts of the field that attack to destroy it, even while the laborers work exhaustively to gather it.
As it is the eleventh hour, this work must be done in complete unity, all while following one light that will light their way through the rows, showing both the ready crops and revealing the awaiting dangers.
“Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path.” Psalm 119:105
These are the night watchmen of the Lord, they stand in the night hours when destruction and mischief are most common, and sin tries to take cover under the darkness of night.
While the rest of the world “sleeps”, these are they who will keep vigil, pray down strong holds, plead the blood of the Lamb over ones they have never even known and through intercessory prayer they will make a difference between life and death. They will through that prayer under the unified anointing of God will stand in the gap and make up the hedge around those who are unable to do it for themselves.
Their petitions before the throne of grace will break chains of abuse and addictions and the anointing of God will break the chains of abuse and addictions.
“BEHOLD, bless ye the Lord, all ye servants of the Lord, which by night stand in the house of the Lord.” Psalm 134:1
Watchmen know who they are, and Night watchmen even more so.

Be vigilant, do not get discouraged and know that the power of the anointing of the secret prayers you pray alone are known of God, “who sees in secret, and will reward you openly”.

Ask that your prayers be accepted in agreement of unity with all those who are called as you are.
Know this also that as this is the last Psalm in the “Songs of Degrees” (steps, stairs) and just as being “compassed about with songs in the night”, this is going somewhere, it is blessed and it is beginning of the “prayers of the saints.”
Φλογίζω/ Original Post:01/01/2015. All rights reserved. Rev. Nina Brown Johnson

**REVISITED 03/05/2021**   REVISTED again 08/17/2021 because now more than ever we need to

stand in prayer for those who are suffering persecution.

Please consider reading the remainder in this series, the links are below.




Resurgence of Ruth/

To shun the Son….

Jesus saith unto him, Thomas, because thou hast seen me, thou hast believed: blessed are they that HAVE NOT SEEN, AND YET HAVE BELIEVED.” JOHN 20:29 

Faith, Faith is a funny thing and sometimes we can have faith to move a mountain and then sometimes our faith errs more on the side of the mountain moving us. But we do have it, whether we always use it or not it is very much there. God told us that to all believers we are given the measure of faith and to some, even the gift of faith.

Even in our lost pre Christ days, we still have faith in things working at certain way, and cause and effect of all situations , things that are without question as, just being and working as they should and no one has to tell us otherwise. But when it comes to the Kingdom and believing for the afterlife, it gets tangled, many have no problem with the reality that as magnificent as it is, they were formed inside the womb, they grew, and bodies and minds faced amazing changes, and all taken for granted as a bald, toothless, helpless person soon started to walk, talk and explore the world and they believe this happens because it has been proven over and over as each child is born.

They could easily believe in Jesus because they had seen Him, they walked with Him, ate with Him, learned from Him and now were witness to absolute living proof that He had indeed raised from the dead. I truly believe that we are born with a knowledge deep inside of us that there is so much more than this life and even those who don’t want to seek the Lord still end up spending their lives seeking something, anything to fill that void. they seek false religions, seek paganism, humanism, and the never-ending search for alien life forms:

2TIMOTHY 3:7 “ EVER LEARNING, and NEVER able to come to the knowledge of the TRUTH.”

As those who profess to be wise, boy, we could list some doozies right there, reputable for their “brilliant” minds and lead countless people straight to hell because they detest God and want everyone else too also and have done a great job convincing the secular world that not only does he not exist, but that those who believe are of a Neanderthal  intelligence.

And yet, Jesus said that we are BLESSED. Starting with those who are crushed, afflicted, and wounded in their souls:

BLESSED are the poor in spirit; for their’s IS the kingdom of heaven.

BLESSED are they that mourn: for they shall be comforted.

BLESSED are the meek: for they shall inherit the earth.

BLESSED are they which do hunger and thirst after righteousness: for they shall be filled.

BLESSED are the merciful: for they shall obtain mercy.

BLESSED are the pure in heart: for they shall see God.

BLESSED are the peacemakers: for they shall be called the children of God.

BLESSED are they which are persecuted for righteousness’ sake: for their’s is the kingdom of heaven.

BLESSED are ye when men shall revile you, and persecute you, and say all manner of evil against you falsely, for my sake. REJOICE, and be exceedingly glad: for GREAT IS YOUR REWARD IN HEAVEN: for so persecuted they the prophets which were before you.”                                                                                             MATTHEW 5:3-12

Notice our rewards ARE in heaven, in the afterlife in which we must believe and as my last post, I know that there are those who do believe and yet refuse to accept Christ. Whatever reason, if it is just peer pressure from friends or spouses, that the world will just not think your cool anymore, you’ll be laughed at or mocked.

Well , He said when you “lose your life” for His sake, you WILL find it. When you are ready to give up the fake friends and false bravado and humble yourself into the hand of a mighty God, then, and only THEN you WILL begin to live as you were created to, and that life WILL be eternal and all the Blessing of God WILL come upon you and your life.

What most people fail to realize is this, we ALL influence someone, there is always someone who watches how you live your life and the decisions you make WILL affect them. If you choose Life eternal, how many more could you bring unto that life? If they saw the change in you and your acknowledgment of God, how can that affect THEIR eternity?

And if you refuse eternal life, you are exchanging that blessed state for an eternal cursing and again all who follow you and your ways will be more inclined to that path of destruction also.

And being a “Closet Believer” is the equivalent to being an unbeliever, Jesus said you are not condemned because you do believe but yet in not acknowledging Him to those in your life, then it like being married to a person and hiding them from your family and friends as if you are ashamed of your association with them. Being ashamed of a person means that you acknowledge them as that person you just don’t want anyone else to know that you know them.

Which is what makes it clear that in this verse, Jesus was SPEAKING to those who DO BELIEVE in HIM: 

LUKE 9:25,26: ” For what is a man advantaged (benefitted) if he gain the whole world, and lose himself (be destroyed), or be cast away (lost)? For WHOSOEVER SHALL BE ASHAMED OF ME AND OF MY WORDS, OF HIM SHALL THE SON OF MAN BE ASHAMED OF, WHEN HE SHALL COME INTO HIS OWN GLORY, AND IN HIS FATHER’S, AND OF THE HOLY ANGELS.”

So if we deny Him here on this earth, if we are too proud, too stubborn to admit we need Him, even though we believe in him, it will be counted as nothing.

Because we have chosen to deny Him in front of our peers, He will then deny us in the presence of the host of heaven itself and as He said, what will it profit then? What will anyone give in exchange for their own soul? At that time there will be no more opportunities to make it right.

So you see, BELIEVING is not quite enough, even the “devils” believe in one God and tremble”. They BELEIVE because they know He exists but they are still going to hell because they knew the judgment of God and chose to rebel against Him. It is like “having a form of godliness and DENYING the power thereof.”

 Like all who are saved from the least to the greatest among disciples and all the saints, NO ONE is of a higher standing than another in the eyes of God, and just as Nicodemus came to Him by night, so many in our world today want to do the same, come to Him under the cover of the night, come to Him in secret with the plea, “I believe, but I can’t let others know” a sad cop-out.

Well, there is only one way: ROMANS 10:9-11:


Pretty point on there, we must first believe in our hearts through faith that HE IS and we must then confess that belief openly and willingly, and then at His coming we will not be ashamed.

So we all have a choice, surrender while there is time, call on Him while He is nigh, answer the door as He knocks on our hearts,

(and for the record, if you are straddling this fence and putting off until tomorrow the decision for Christ, when you are not guaranteed a tomorrow to make that decision, I want you to know, if He has allowed this to come to you, you have consented by reading it, you are bound by it, you will never be able to stand before the Lord and plead blissful ignorance to these things, “to know to do good, and do it not, is a sin unto you”, heed this carefully)

You have been presented with YOUR choices, accept Him, and His Word, His Blessing, or reject Him and His blessings and keep the world, shun the Son, but know that one day, it will be you that He will shun.

Φλογίζω Σαλπιζω NBJ 2016  Original post 10/15/2015 REVISTED 01/27/2021


“These are murmurers, complainers, walking after their own lusts; and their mouths speak great swelling words, having men’s person’s in admiration because of advantage (flattering people to gain advantage).

But, beloved, remember ye the words which were spoken before of (by) the apostles of our Lord Jesus Christ: How that they told you that there should (would) be mockers in the last time (days), who should (would) walk after their own ungodly lusts. 

These be they who separate themselves (cause DIVISION), sensual (worldly) not having the Spirit.” Jude 16-18

I recently read the most bizarre article. The reason I say that it was bizarre is that it concerned the censorship ruckus between Elton John and Vladimir Putin and I am sure all of you have heard about it also.

John was upset and outraged because sex and drug scenes in his movie had been censored in Russia and Putin answered with the most logical words ANYONE has bothered to udder concerning the systematic and completely unnatural brainwashing of young people.

Now, I do realize that Russia also is pretty big on the persecution of many and if I stood there preaching or even writing this blog, I’d probably be on the receiving end of to.

And I am in NO WAY suggesting that anyone for any reason should be persecuted and I truly believe that we all are entitled to FREEDOM in the lifestyle we chose.

(I have a problem when others teach that it is okay with God, because that is absolutely not true.)

But when those lifestyles are as scripture states above, are USED as a catapult for agendas of a much darker nature, then someone SHOULD have the guts to stand up and offer another thought on these subjects, which is what Putin did when he stated “Let a person grow up first before making a choice” “Let the children live in peace.”

No one needs me to tell them just how prevalent all the debates, arguing, and smoke rising  in our society, you can’t even turn on the television without getting an earful of the debate, which is exactly what happened when I flipped on the tv and lo, and behold, Dr. Phil was coming on (and no, I do not watch his show, it was coming on the channel that had last been on) anyway, he was highlighting the upcoming show about a mother and daughter who were at odds with a family member whom they felt had been pressuring their six year old child into making a gender decision too soon and of course the follow up story was to be along the same lines.

Seriously?! The Bible teaches us “When I was a child, I thought as a child” and even for those who are not Christians, what about the old expressions, “Acting like a child” and “Kids will be kids” these are old sayings for a reason!

No other generation has been this far out, this self centered and no one wants kids to be kids because they are so caught up in seeking attention for themselves that the roles of parent/child become more blurred with each passing day.

And with the abortionists heralding it as the right of women everywhere, killing babies is nothing, it is no shock so many are clueless at the true meaning of what it to be a parent. You know the fact that your job is to lead, reach, and protect them.

And mention of which, they can call themselves feminists all they wish, but they are anti-feminist and people follow chanting all the way, led by celebrities and “stars” as they called.

Ever think about that? STAR power, Hollywood STAR, film STAR, stage STAR, Rock STAR, sports STAR, on and on we could go!

And of course, as they were rereferred to in the past “Holly wood IDOL”, “Teen IDOL”, and let’s not forget, even the name of a show, because people desire to attain the status of IDOL.

What is an idol? Something worshipped as a god.

Who is an idol? A person revered to the point of being worshipped.

And people have become completely STARSTRUCK, just as the verse above, if a celebrity or famous person says this, or promotes that SUDDENLY society changes to accommodate those new thoughts, just as Darwin and his theory of absolute stupidy that insults basic intelligence now is taught as truth and yet show me or anyone a species mid change!

Doesn’t exist but people would have a (false) sense of being part of the crowd, so they’d rather side with the lie than to stand alone for the truth.

You can go back through history, books, television, and you will find absolutely that society and what we consider acceptable and “normal” is determined by what media feeds us and children are being “trained up” by hollywood and the god-haters, just as the Bible tells us to “Train up a child in the way he should go.”

We are ALL trained in our thinking by someone, and the environment we are exposed to determines how we will interact, which has been proven time and time again, for better or for worse, can be determined by who and what we are exposed to. Society worshipped these people all the hate, all their pettiness, all the ranting, raving and  whatever they say goes.

And it is believing absolute lies, celebrities are NOT real, they are ACTORS. People often use the expression, “I just love her/him on that show” and characters become dear to us, but again those are CHARCTERS, IMAGIATIONS from the heads of writers.

Anyone think a tv doctor is really going to save you life? Think a hot shot cop on a drama can rescue you? Think that awesome lady lawyer could get out of a bind?

While they are screaming for abortions, HOW do you think they feel about your children?

Should you have chose to abort that “product of conception”? They do not even call them children, so how would they feel about yours? All they care about is THEM, and all the rest of the world hears about is their sex lives and abortion.

They have parades, celebrating the fact that they slaughtered their unborn babies, now touting their “1973” necklaces, beaming with PRIDE that they can take a life. PLEASE tell me again why do people want to follow them?

Oh, yeah, STARSTRUCK, if they say it and if they wear it, or do it, or tell you to, it must be right!

People are so struck in fact that I think many are succumbing to STAR of super evangelist, so many are forsaking the Word of God and teaching things that are so off point and so far out that there is no possible way they are who or what they say they are.

Teaching now to go with the absolute false ones we talk about often, like the good ol’candy coat and now it is being taught that hell does NOT exist and that God is NOT going to send judgment on earth, and we NO longer need intercessory prayer!

These thoughts DO NOT line up with the Word of God! Man’s doctrine and man’s doctrine exists for the same purpose, people are STARSTRUCK and want praise and acceptance from others.

Now, what I would like to know is why will no one say it in our country? Could no one else voice an opposing opinion?

OF COURSE NOT! I will tell why they won’t say it and it has nothing to do with the spoon fed “tolerance”, having your OWN opinion and your OWN thoughts has nothing to do with tolerance, it classifies you as human, created INDIVIAULLY to think for yourself, feel for yourself, and rationalize your own conclusions.

As we celebrate our freedom, forget hollywood, forget the STARS and stand for what YOU really believe and celebrate the real heroes the firemen, nurses, and those who give of themselves every single day to help others. And most of all the soldiers, remembering all those who have fought and those who have died and those, the MIA’s who may never be found.

The men and women who leave family, friends, and homes to protect us and NEVER try to shove their opinions down anyone’s else’ throat. God has to be number one and if you don’t want God, at least recognize the snow job for what it is and if you have to have a hero, at least have a real one.

Oh yeah, one final thought about those STARS…

Revelation 12:3,4-(c):” And there appeared another wonder in heaven; and behold, a great red dragon, having seven heads and ten horns, and seven crowns upon his heads.  And his tail drew the third part of the STARS of heaven, and did cast them to earth…”

We know that these are the former angels who are now demons, no wonder they were called STARS… many of them STILL are.

Φλογίζω NBJ 2019


“Mingled, Tinged, & Tainted”

” And God spake all these words, saying, I am the Lord thy God, which have brought the out of the land of Egypt,out of the house of bondage. Thou shalt have NO others gods before me.

Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image, or any likeness of any thing that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth:

Thou shall NOT BOW DOWN thyself to them. nor serve them: for I the Lord thy God am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children unto the third and fourth generation of THEM THAT HATE ME; and SHEWING (showing) MERCY unto thousands of them that love me, and KEEP my commandments.” Exodus 20:1-6

Well, I guess you can reason by the title where this is going.. the place no one seems to want to go lately. Why does spiritual “purity” now seem to always equate to social snobbery?

Former generations and many other “religious” groups have NEVER been questioned when they taught that you can not allow your beliefs to be “mingled” with other beliefs, but somehow we have swallowed this as Christians that we should be more “open” in the influences we allow on our lives, in our churches, and in the name of our God.

And in doing so, in the name of “being tolerant”, accepting, and open we HAVE bowed ourselves down to them. And we question why we do not see the mighty moves of God such as recorded in the Bible, when we all know that our present world is DESPERATE for such deliverance, restoration, and renewal, but UNTIL we choose to walk on the side of the road that He told us, rather than running down the middle for fear of offense and wavering, voicing no real opinion and trying to make everyone FEEL accepted, we are not accomplishing anything for the kingdom and ONLY causing more confusion.

I LOVE people, I WANT everyone to feel safe, accepted, and to KNOW their TRUE VALUE in Christ, but if I hang with them and KNOW they have other beliefs, OTHER gods, and pat them on the back and tell them “It’ll be alright, you’ll figure it out” than I have accomplished is to cheapen the true Gospel down to AN OPTION, rather than THE ONLY WAY to salvation, and have let THEIR beliefs bow them and us  down.

As far as “tolerance”, this is just another one of satan’s trap, just because you do not agree with someone’s beliefs DOES NOT mean you hate them or that you feel superior and in overcompensation against being misunderstood as this, we have LOWERED the requirements for the true worship of Jehovah God.

This has led to so many FALSE beliefs, beliefs in a spirit world afterlife of no heaven, no hell, and certainly NO JUDGEMENT. Belief that you can be “good” person and go “to heaven” without the acknowledgment and acceptance of Christ as Savior.

The belief that is acceptable to seek and be advised by “mediums” and ” physics”. That it is perfectly okay to have sexual relationships OUTSIDE of marriage, or with the same-sex. That there “is more than one way to heaven” which IS the biggest lie of them all. The constant FALSE reassurance given to the world that ” It all works out and that EVERYONE will be saved” NONE of this is RIGHT!

God is VERY clear on ALL subjects through His Word and we have to start teaching this, living this, and applying this and just be brave enough to deal with the fact that not everyone is going to like us or appreciate it, because God did say to be a friend of the world is an enmity against Him and that means being  a “friend” to this world, the thoughts, attitudes, teachings, and actions of popular thought and society IS considered HOSTILE against God.

Let that soak in! Think about it in terms as nations, when a nation commits an act that is considered HOSTILE against another nation, war often ensues, how much more can be expected from committing HOSTILE acts against the Living God, who controls life, death, and heaven, and hell simply by the Word of His Mouth? And who on earth is capable of taking Him on in battle?

That my dear friends is why we need to rethink our approach in dealing with this. You don’t have to be everyone’s best friend, you can be social to them and leave it at that but when you start getting too chummy with their beliefs in the name of fellowship, they are NOT going to get converted to the true Gospel and all your going to get is a snare to your own soul and the Bible is full of story after story, including King Solomon, who had been CHOSEN of God to build the temple, and even HE FELL to paganism through the influence of pagan wives and forgetting everything he had been taught and falling to the trap of self-assurance in his OWN self-righteousness.

And do you think if he, a man whom God had spoken to and offered to give WHATEVER he asked of him, and if he could fall prey to the deception, what are earth makes any of us believe we are so much spiritually stronger and so much wiser than even Solomon?

So here is a little refresher course, from the WORD of the ONE whose never changes and whose word is for ever settled in heaven and WILL never change, while giving the Ten Commandments, and the reverence and fear the Hebrews experienced that we would do well to remember now.

Exodus 20: 18,24: “And ALL the people saw the thunderings, and the lightenings, and the noise of the trumpet, and the mountain SMOKING: and when the people saw it,  they removed (trembled) and stood afar off (far away).

And they said unto Moses, Speak thou now with us, and we will hear: but let God NOT speak with us, LEST WE DIE.

And Moses said unto the people, Fear not: for God is come to prove (test) you, and that his fear be before your faces (the fear of Him, His power and majesty) THAT YE SIN NOT (so you WILL NOT sin against Him).

And the people stood afar off, and Moses drew near unto the thick darkness where God was. And the Lord said unto Moses, Thus thou shalt say unto the children of Israel, Ye have seen that I have talked with you from heaven . Ye shall NOT make WITH ME gods of silver, NEITHER shall ye make unto you gods of gold.

An altar of earth thou shalt make unto me, and shall sacrifice therein thy burnt offerings, and thine peace offerings, thy sheep, and thine oxen: in ALL places where I record my name I WILL COME TO THEE, AND I WILL BLESS THEE.”

The people HEARD, they KNEW, and the were wise enough to respect his majesty and omniscience. And He did this so they would be aware of who brought them out and whose commands they were to keep. And He warned them to absolutely NOT make, or have other “gods” along with Him.

The altar of earth foreshadowing His plan that one day His Temple would be in the earthy vessels as our bodies ARE the temples of God and His will done in these earthen vessels of our bodies as His will is done is the mighty realms of the heavens.

And also notice that HIS PROMISE to us in keeping this command in ALL places (regardless WHERE you are or WHO  your hanging with) is that  HE WILL COME TO US and HE WILL BLESS US but we have to do our part first. 

And even so to the point that He commands us to NOT even MENTION the names of these pagan “gods”. Which RULES out studying them to understand them, RULES OUT  discussing the pros and cons of that particular “religion”, IT RULES OUT THE RISK OF THESE FALSE DOCTRINES POLLUTING YOUR SOUL BY BECOMING MINGLED WITH THE TRUE GOSPEL, TAINTED WITH CONFUSION AND DECEPTIONS AND TINGING YOUR WHITE GARMENT WITH FILTHY SPOTS THAT WILL FORFEIT YOUR ENTRANCE INTO THE KINGDOM.

Exodus 23: 13: “And in ALL things that I HAVE SAID UNTO YOU BE CIRCUMSPECT ( wary, heedful, watchful, attentive, alert, careful, cautious, and UNWILLING to take a risk): and MAKE NO MENTION F THE NAME OF OTHER gods, NEITHER LET IT BE HEARD OUT OF YOUR MOUTH.”  

So that IS God’s word about it and we know that He is the final WORD and Authority on ALL subjects. But here a few more verses to encourage you to flee friends, co-workers, whoever, whatever that hold and adhere to false doctrines, again you can be nice but as God told us to be very careful and very alert and be UNWILLING to EVEN RISK become impregnated by those other beliefs because we care for and genuinely like the person who holds those beliefs, that is how it attached itself to Solomon. 

Matthew 5:8: “Blessed are the pure in heart: for they shall see God.” Just as God told us, He is jealous, He is jealous for our heart and we must keep our heart pure in Him and for Him.

James 1:27 (c)…” and to KEEP himself UNSPOTTED FROM THE WORLD.” Again, please notice that this requiring is to KEEP our own selves unspotted, doesn’t say God will keep us unspotted, this is on us, to be diligent against false doctrine and anything that could possibly worm its way into our hearts and souls.

And finally, we all desire to hear those faithful words of comfort as the last day judgment hits and God will call His people OUT of the mighty  city of Babylon (Revelation 18:4) that they “not be partakers of her plagues” and they be spared the destruction, we must also HEED the call of the Lord when He tells us to COME OUT and be SEPERATED. We must quit playing footsie with the devil, with pagans, and lose the fascinations with false doctrines when the Lord has FORBADE us to EVEN speak their names! Stay away from them and be blessed, be visited, be delivered, and SEE the salvation and Glory of God COME to this earth.

2 Corinthians 6:15-18: “And what concord (accord, agreement with) hath Christ with Belial (pagan devil)? OR what part hath he that believeth with an infidel (unbeliever)?



Notice the PROMISES of I WILL, we honor Him and HE WILL be everything we need, want, or even could possibly imagine!   Till next time, Love, Peace, & prayers for a joyous week ahead!

Φλογίζω Σαλπιζω NBJ 2017


Laughing their way RIGHT INTO HELL….

“Let us hear the conclusion of the whole matter: FEAR GOD, and keep his commandments: for this IS the whole duty of man. For God shall bring EVERY work into judgment, with every secret thing, whether it be good , or whether it be evil.” Ecclesiastes 12: 13,14

I am forever amazed at the entertainment industry and how far they will go for ratings and to make the almighty dollar, and the willingness to sell out anything and everything to further their careers, including THEIR OWN SOULS.

When I think I have seen it all, I discover that i was quite wrong.. I do not watch very many shows because most now are absolute filth and even if someone else is watching and there is “something” there it will present “itself”, I truly believe God allows this so it can “warned” of and I have even had people comment to me that had watched so & so and had NEVER heard anything like that before or noticed certain references mocking Christians and God.

There is list and no one needs them pointed out but I will and if you ARE watching any of these shows, you’d better think again. Of course SNL, South Park, and anything Bill Maher, Bill Nye, and the late George Carlin has touched is polluted filth, PERIOD.

The list could go and on and what is even more horrific is the cartoons and “teen” programs which are weaving in anti-God “jokes” and even point-blank blasphemy such as SEVERAL different references to “tongues” and actually mimicking and mocking that characters are “Christians” and I caught one that even had the audience chanting “HG” they were saying the name , I will NOT use it here for fear, but it is reference to ONE of the members of the HOLY TRINITY, chanting this while a skit member who was supposed to be an “old Christian” man RAN the aisle of the audience. The most horrify thought with this, the person who did that skit PROFESSES Christ.

Al Sharpton (whom I’m NOT even getting into!) doing a skit years ago, also on SNL as a “wise man” from the Nativity story and here is the deal, NO ONE mocks God and when all the “curse” started following the “Batman” trilogy, you know, Heath Ledger dying while doing the joker, ( I know the world argues that but I don’t write for the world, so…) and then as we know the horrific theater shootings related to the SAME character.

Just a case of mental illnesses? Think not, you can trace the beginning of this back to the first in the Trilogy when the “Batman” character mocks God. And it is in movie after movie, after movie.

These shows are fiction, the character are fictitious but GOD IS VERY REAL and He will not be mocked period and no one is going to tell him it is a joke or it is a job and when you have shows geared toward kids, they grow up thinking it is okay to mock God and Christians and WHEN CHRISTIANS LAUGH RIGHT ALONG SIDE THEM who is telling them otherwise?

HOW serious is this? How about serious enough to NEVER be forgiven? To speak against the Holy Ghost is UNFORGIVABLE. Jesus will FORGIVE us for ANYTHING, murder, stealing, adultery, ANY sin you can name BUT NOT SPEAKING AGAINST HIS SPIRIT.



Jesus HIMSELF is telling us that if we are not gathering with Him we ARE SCATTERING, to hear these things and be aware of them and sit idly by while our God is being mocked and us either laughing or NOT saying anything and NOT letting others KNOW that this is wrong and not only is it wrong, IT CAN COST THEM THEIR VERY SOUL, makes us the worst kind of “scatterers” and He also tells us that a person may speak a word AGAINST Him and BE FORGIVEN but to speak AGAINST HIS HOLY GHOST WILL NEVER BE FORGIVEN NOT IN THIS WORLD OR THE NEXT.

So if you have NEVER thought about this or if you have NEVER been taught that it is wrong, I AM HERE TO TELL YOU, IT IS WRONG.


I am also shocked at the amount of “memes” that flood social media and most are supposed to be “Pentecostal” humor, and TRUE Pentecostal or any other denominations of God’s children could tell people sending these things out that is the devil and the devil only that finds this stuff humorous and ones who share it are LETTING satan use them to mock and ridicule their fellow-servants and it further SCATTERS the flock.

But DON’T take my word for it. TAKE THE WORD: ” HEAR THE WORD OF THE LORD, ye children of Israel: for the Lord hath a controversy with the inhabitants of the land, because there is no truth, nor mercy, NOR THE KNOWLEDGE OF GOD IN THE LAND. By swearing, and lying, and killing, and stealing, and committing adultery, they break out (BREAK ALL RESTRAINTS), and blood toucheth blood.

Therefore shall the land mourn, and every one that dwelleth therein shall languish, with the beasts of the field, and with the fowls of heaven;yea, the fishes of the sea shall also be taken away. YET NO MAN STRIVE (CONTEND), NOR REPROVE (reprimand) ANOTHER: for thy people are as they that strive with the priest. 

Therefore shalt thou fall in the day, and THE PROPHET ALSO SHALL FALL (stumble) WITH THEE IN THE NIGHT,And I will destroy thy mother. MY PEOPLE ARE DESTROYED FOR LACK OF KNOWLEDGE: because thou hast REJECTED knowledge, I WILL ALSO REJECT THEE, that thou shalt be no priest to me:….” Hosea 4:1-6(a)  

His people ARE being destroyed because of a lack of knowledge and we see quite clearly whose feet the blame for this will be laid at.

“The righteous perisheth, and no man layeth (takes) it to heart: and merciful men are taken away. none considering that the righteous are is taken away from the evil to come: He shall enter into peace, they shall rest in their beds, each one walking in his uprightness (having God’s righteousness and salvation).

BUT DRAW HITHER (come close), ye sons of the sorceress, the seed of the adulterer and the whore (harlot). Against WHOM do ye sport (RIDICULE) yourselves? Against WHOM make ye a wide mouth, and draw out the tongue? are ye not children of transgression , a seed of falsehood.” Isaiah 57:1-4

We KNOW who they speak against and we also KNOW their end:

“But these SPEAK EVIL of THOSE THINGS WHICH THEY KNOW NOT: but what they know naturally, as brute beasts, in THOSE things THEY CORRUPT THEMSELVES.

WOE UNTO THEM! for they have gone the way of Cain, and ran greedily after the error of Balaam FOR REWARD (profit), and PERISHED IN THE GAINSAYING (rebellion) of Core.

These ARE spots (stains) in your feasts of charity, when the feast with YOU, feeding themselves WITHOUT FEAR: clouds they are WITHOUT WATER, carried about of winds; Trees WHOSE FRUIT WITHERETH (dries up) WITHOUT FRUIT, TWICE DEAD, plucked up by the roots;


 And Enoch also, the seventh from Adam, prophesied of these, saying, Behold, the Lord COMETH with ten thousand of his saints. TO EXECUTE JUDGMENT ON ALL, and to convince (convict) ALL that are ungodly among them of all their ungodly deeds which they have ungodly committed, AND OF ALL THEIR HARD SPEECHES (HARSH THINGS) WHICH UNGODLY SINNERS HAVE SPOKEN AGAINST HIM.


But, beloved, remember ye the words which were spoken before of the apostles of our Lord Jesus Christ; How they told you there should be (would be) MOCKERS IN THE LAST TIME (last days), who should (would) walk after their own ungodly lusts. These be they who separate themselves (cause divisions), sensual (worldly) having NOT the Spirit.

But ye, beloved, building up yourselves, on your most holy faith, PRAYING IN THE HOLY GHOST. Keep yourselves in the love of God, looking for the mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ unto eternal life.

And of some HAVE COMPASSION making a difference (distinction). And others SAVE WITH FEAR, pulling them out of the fire: HATING EVEN THE GARMENT SPOTTED (DEFILED) BY THE FLESH.” Jude verses 10-23

Not going to be quit so funny… do your part and speak up every opportunity you are presented with, God will not be mocked and in hell the laughter will cease, your voice against this “entertainment” may be the voice that prevents someone from going there.

Φλογιζω Σαλπιζω NBJ 2017

” Untitled &Unbiased “

“Withhold not good from them to whom it is due, when it is in thine power to do it.” Proverbs 3:27

We tend to think of this in terms of financial help and “works” but have you ever thought about it as in spiritual help? Helping one another through their trials, sorrows, and troubles?

Helping them with the ministries and helping them stand steadfast in the calling of the Lord on their life? Stretching out a hand if they are about to slip, or helping pull them back up after they’ve almost tumbled over a spiritual cliff?

It seems the struggles are so much tougher, the sickness and diseases that have hit those of the kingdom with an absolute vengeance are taking their toll and so many.. oh so many are fighting every moment just to hang on.

Maybe everyone is at a loss as to what to do for another… fear of their help or advice would be rejected.. or truly just not knowing.

But if you know those who are struggling and you want to do something, the Bible has our answers and this is how it goes, as the early church was encouraged through the words of their fellow servants, shouldn’t we use this as our example and encourage one another?

Colossians 1:2-12: “To the saints and faithful brethren in Christ which are at Colosse; Grace be unto you, and peace, from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ.

We give thanks to God and the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, PRAYING ALWAYS FOR YOU. 

SINCE we heard of your faith in Christ Jesus, and of the love which ye have to all the saints, For the hope which is laid up for you in heaven, whereof ye heard before in the word of the truth of the gospel;

Which is come unto you, as it is in all the world; and bringeth forth fruit, as it doth also in you, since the day you heard it, and KNEW the grace of God in truth.

As ye also learned of Epaphras our dear fellowservant, who is for you a faithful minister of Christ. Who also declared to us your love in the Spirit. For this cause we also, SINCE the day we heard it, DO NOT CEASE TO PRAY FOR YOU, and to DESIRE THAT YE MIGHT BE FILLED WITH THE KNOWLEDGE OF HIS WILL IN ALL WISDOM AND SPIRITUAL UNDERSTANDING; THAT YE MIGHT WALK WORTHY OF THE LORD UNTO ALL PLEASING, BEING FRUITFUL IN EVERY GOOD WORK, AND INCREASING IN THE KNOWLEDGE OF GOD;

STRENGHTENED WITH ALL MIGHT, ACCORDING TO HIS GLORIOUS POWER, UNTO ALL PATIENCE AND LONGSUFFERING WITH JOYFULLNESS; Giving thanks unto the Father, which hath made us meet (qualified us) to be partakers of the inheritance of the saints in light.”

God has had this on my heart so much lately.. we HAVE to be workers together, we may NOT all have the same beliefs, the same doctrinal system but as it is written when “one hurts we ALL hurt”  and we all need to encourage others along the way and sometimes that means putting down our own personal comfort shields and reaching out to others who may or may not like us or approve of us but if they may just NEED something we can offer, it is still our responsibility to reach out, whether they accept it us or even if they tell us to get “out of their face”, as long as we have tried, we have fulfilled what is required of us.

I had to put my “money where my mouth is” awhile back.. I was visiting a revival and there is an older couple, awesome sweet people, and I have had a lot of personal hurt due to #1. I am female. #2. I am female in a certain “neck of the world” that hasn’t caught up as much as they think they have, with the biased gender based thinking of 1802 and even when we try not to let words and attitudes hinder us.. sometimes they still get lodged in the back of our minds and lie in wait.. until the situation arises that they can remind us that because we are not the right sex, color, or denomination that our PRAYERS are not welcome.

Anyway I was behind this couple and the more I sat there the more it was on my heart to pray for him and I know they have a different background and I just kept hearing that doubt.. “men pray for men.. women pray for women”.. and I just kept wrestling inside of myself and I finally determined that if it was God’s will, it would be fine because I WAS NOT going to go home and spend the rest of my life knowing that I was supposed to pray for him and had refused to even obey what was on heart for FEAR of rejection.

Had they known my calling they may have looked at me not quite so friendly and that is what hit me… we are who we are in God and others are who they are in God.. we don’t always have to make a point of it and can be the body as one. So it hit me to ask his wife first and then we both asked him if it would be okay to pray for him and it all worked out well.

I think this is really how the enemy has divided and separated the churches and flocks, and as long as we ourselves, separate ourselves we will only stay stagnant and will never fulfill the true divine plan God has for our lives and for others.

For the record, MOST believers don’t have the segregated attitudes, and I have a great church family now, but once it has been put in our thinking.. it is there until we overcome it through God and His word.. which says we ought to obey HIM rather than man.

So in our verses we have just that.. believers ENCOURAGING other believers and PRAYING for them and PRAYING for their ministries and that God would BLESS them in their walk with him.

They SINCERELY wanted the new Christians to SUCCEED in the Lord and be filled with joy. They weren’t taking pot shots at the them because they thought they were ‘different”.

They based their entire dealings with them on the facts that they WERE God’s children also and that they WERE filled with His love. I wonder how often we really look at each other this way?

They DID NOT withhold what was good… as it was their inheritance just as much as it belonged to Paul and Timothy and it is high time we all take heart of that.. we will work as a team or our work will profit nothing at all. If you can help someone.. help them.

Φλογίζω Σαλπιζω  NBJ 2017


“There is a way that seemeth right unto a man, but the end thereof is death.

Even in laughter the heart is sorrowful; and the END of THAT mirth is heaviness (grief).” PROVERBS 14: 12,13

I just love the infomercials and TV ads that have someone giving a glowing product review, they are so happy, so confident, and persuasive that THIS product will be just great for YOU!

Crow’s feet? They gotcha covered, wrinkle cream guaranteed to take off at least TWENTY YEARS! Back pain? they have a miracle cure, so secret, that even the medical field doesn’t know about it yet!  In debt? Well, now you too can be debt free and own three homes, a beach house and your own jet, IF you call RIGHT NOW and order their secret guide to making money!

The best part, that I love, is that at the very, very bottom in tiny little letters, usually in a color designed to fade into the background, are these words “RESULTS NOT TYPICAL” Your results may vary”.

So you got someone, glowing, staring the camera dead in the eye and confessing to you that the ware they are touting WILL FOREVER CHANGE YOUR LIFE! Yes, it will, you will be poorer for the product price and the varied results could end in nasty, little side effects you’d never bargained for or noticed in that same fine print.

Same deal in the world that we live in, the world that serves two purposes, natural world and the unseen spirit world that surrounds us at all times and never was a painter as talented in painting us those beautiful picture as the devil himself.

Our walks can be quite grueling, and our crosses can grow sometimes heavy and the swaying of those voices that whisper, “Come, this way is easier” can sometimes overshadow the voice of the Lord, as He encourages us that is just a little farther up that hill, have faith, have courage, and press on.  But those opposing voices will say, “No, We KNOW a secret path, an EASY way, a BETTER way to success, happiness, and the fulfilment of ALL your dreams and desires.” That voice, just as the ad voices comes with its own disclaimer. Because the results they promise will not be typical, only you will not find that out, until it is just a little too late.

Notice, with our verse, The WAY seems right, seems genuine, that “friend” or even self-proclaimed “mentor” that has your best interest in mind, as they control every aspect of your life, where you go, who you can be friends with, what you wear, what you eat and make decisions for you, they are only looking out for what’s best for YOU, right?

And when their thoughts and desires for your life overtake your own, well that is just part of the process, right? Wrong and wrong! That road may seem like a clear path with least resistance to get you to the happy Neverland waiting at the end but it is just a fairytale and you should not expect the results that you have been lulled into believing!

Nothing worth anything in this life will ever come easy and the Kingdom of God is the most precious of all will NEVER, EVER come to you without hades to fight! They can promise you the world but the world you will be left with after having lost all those you care for and lost everything that ever meant anything to you, will be a world full of tears and sorrow, and bridges so burned that you will never be able to cross those in hopes of going back where you belong!

The problem is with us and who can be blamed for wanting things a little easier? But again, nothing worth having is going to come easy and the greatest test of faith is endurance. No one can argue the endurance Jesus possessed, no home, not much rest, not a moment’s peace from the mouths of his enemies and in his darkness night, not one friend to stand by Him.

But He made it, He made it because He knew that He fought for something bigger than Himself, He fought for the salvation of us all. He could have quit at any moment, He could have called heaven to earth and destroyed all His enemies, He could have completely annihilated earth and created Himself a new one, but He chose to save what He had already created and He knew the path He took was the absolute of hardest and He knew that death, a terrible death was waiting at the end of that road, He never shed one tear for Himself, His tears were for the broken hearts of His friends and tears of unrepentant Jerusalem, who could not even see at the time that they were visited by the very one they awaited.

What right do we have to complain again? What do we have to complain about in comparison to His struggles? Seeing as the servants can never be above the master, why do feel that we must have it all and have it given on, as it were, a silver charger? (dig that?) We may fly very high and grasp that fabled brass ring but our laughter in that moment will be only a miserable smile to hide a heart-broken. As our verse also states, EVEN with the laughter the heart is BROKEN. Why? Because we have sold out ourselves, our friends, our families and most of all, OUR SELF RESPECT and DIGNITY  by not reading that fine print. Forgetting the path “less trod” and running headlong into that wide open field of destruction.

Matthew 7:13,14 “Enter ye in at (narrow) the strait  gate: for wide is the gate, and broad is the way that leadeth to destruction, and MANY there be which go in thereat:

Because STRAIT IS the gate, and narrow (difficult, confined) IS the way which leadeth unto life, and FEW there be that find it.” 

Jesus Himself, who suffered all that any human could possibly endure and passing each and every test of being human and of temptation by the devil during His time in the wilderness, and He is telling us, CHOOSE the difficult path!

Because in doing so you will laugh real laughter and even through the pain your heart will be filled with REAL joy, the joy of the Lord THAT IS your strength. In our verse the “end of THAT mirth (happiness) IS GRIEF, because it is not real happiness, it is a life purchased without reading the fine print but with Jesus, our path is Blessed of God and He leads us in the paths of righteous, where GOODNESS AND MERCY shall follow us ALL the days of our lives here on this earth but also we are given the promise to DWELL in the house of the Lord FOR EVER!

So if you are feeling this and as our year once again comes to a close and you are regretting the paths you have chosen, talk to the Lord, get back on that path that He had for you and it may get rough, you may be persecuted and have to fight against those who wish to keep you under their thumb of control, but you will not fight alone, the Shepherd ALWAYS protects His flock and He will lead to that good ground, trust and follow, be strong, and be brave. God DOES not call cowards. He calls soldiers and the greatest reward of a solider is a job well done and pleasing to the Captain and He has no fine print, no disclaimers, His word is faithful and true and easy enough for us all to understand.

Φλογίζω Σαλπιζω NBJ 2016





To shun the Son….

Jesus saith unto him, Thomas, because thou hast seen me, thou hast believed: blessed are they that HAVE NOT SEEN, AND YET HAVE BELIEVED.” JOHN 20:29 

Faith, Faith is a funny thing and sometimes we can have faith to move a mountain and then sometimes our faith errs more on the side of the mountain moving us. But we do have it, whether we always use it or not it is very much there. God told us that to all believers we are given the measure of faith and to some, even the gift of faith.

Even in our lost pre Christ days, we still have faith in things working at certain way, and cause and effect of all situations , things that are without question as, just being and working as they should and no one has to tell us otherwise. But when it comes to the Kingdom and believing for the afterlife, it gets tangled, many have no problem with the reality that as magnificent as it is, they were formed inside the womb, they grew, and bodies and minds faced amazing changes, and all taken for granted as a bald, toothless, helpless person soon started to walk, talk and explore the world and they believe this happens because it has been proven over and over as each child is born.

They could easily believe in Jesus because they had seen Him, they walked with Him, ate with Him, learned from Him and now were witness to absolute living proof that He had indeed raised from the dead. I truly believe that we are born with a knowledge deep inside of us that there is so much more than this life and even those who don’t want to seek the Lord still end up spending their lives seeking something, anything to fill that void. they seek false religions, seek paganism, humanism, and the never-ending search for alien life forms:

2TIMOTHY 3:7 “ EVER LEARNING, and NEVER able to come to the knowledge of the TRUTH.”

As those who profess to be wise, boy, we could list some doozies right there, reputable for their “brilliant” minds and lead countless people straight to hell because they detest God and want everyone else too also and have done a great job convincing the secular world that not only does he not exist, but that those who believe are of a Neanderthal  intelligence.

And yet, Jesus said that we are BLESSED. Starting with those who are crushed, afflicted, and wounded in their souls:

BLESSED are the poor in spirit; for their’s IS the kingdom of heaven.

BLESSED are they that mourn: for they shall be comforted.

BLESSED are the meek: for they shall inherit the earth.

BLESSED are they which do hunger and thirst after righteousness: for they shall be filled.

BLESSED are the merciful: for they shall obtain mercy.

BLESSED are the pure in heart: for they shall see God.

BLESSED are the peacemakers: for they shall be called the children of God.

BLESSED are they which are persecuted for righteousness’ sake: for their’s is the kingdom of heaven.

BLESSED are ye when men shall revile you, and persecute you, and say all manner of evil against you falsely, for my sake. REJOICE, and be exceedingly glad: for GREAT IS YOUR REWARD IN HEAVEN: for so persecuted they the prophets which were before you.”                                                                                             MATTHEW 5:3-12

Notice our rewards ARE in heaven, in the afterlife in which we must believe and as my last post, I know that there are those who do believe and yet refuse to accept Christ. Whatever reason, if it is just peer pressure from friends or spouses, that the world will just not think your cool anymore, you’ll be laughed at or mocked.

Well , He said when you “lose your life” for His sake, you WILL find it. When you are ready to give up the fake friends and false bravado and humble yourself into the hand of a mighty God, then, and only THEN you WILL begin to live as you were created to, and that life WILL be eternal and all the Blessing of God WILL come upon you and your life.

What most people fail to realize is this, we ALL influence someone, there is always someone who watches how you live your life and the decisions you make WILL affect them. If you choose Life eternal, how many more could you bring unto that life? If they saw the change in you and your acknowledgment of God, how can that affect THEIR eternity?

And if you refuse eternal life, you are exchanging that blessed state for an eternal cursing and again all who follow you and your ways will be more inclined to that path of destruction also.

And being a “Closet Believer” is the equivalent to being an unbeliever, Jesus said you are not condemned because you do believe but yet in not acknowledging Him to those in your life, then it like being married to a person and hiding them from your family and friends as if you are ashamed of your association with them. Being ashamed of a person means that you acknowledge them as that person you just don’t want anyone else to know that you know them.

Which is what makes it clear that in this verse, Jesus was SPEAKING to those who DO BELIEVE in HIM: 

LUKE 9:25,26: ” For what is a man advantaged (benefitted) if he gain the whole world, and lose himself (be destroyed), or be cast away (lost)? For WHOSOEVER SHALL BE ASHAMED OF ME AND OF MY WORDS, OF HIM SHALL THE SON OF MAN BE ASHAMED OF, WHEN HE SHALL COME INTO HIS OWN GLORY, AND IN HIS FATHER’S, AND OF THE HOLY ANGELS.”

So if we deny Him here on this earth, if we are too proud, too stubborn to admit we need Him, even though we believe in him, it will be counted as nothing.

Because we have chosen to deny Him in front of our peers, He will then deny us in the presence of the host of heaven itself and as He said, what will it profit then? What will anyone give in exchange for their own soul? At that time there will be no more opportunities to make it right.

So you see, BELIEVING is not quite enough, even the “devils” believe in one God and tremble”. They BELEIVE because they know He exists but they are still going to hell because they knew the judgment of God and chose to rebel against Him. It is like “having a form of godliness and DENYING the power thereof.”

 Like all who are saved from the least to the greatest among disciples and all the saints, NO ONE is of a higher standing than another in the eyes of God, and just as Nicodemus came to Him by night, so many in our world today want to do the same, come to Him under the cover of the night, come to Him in secret with the plea, “I believe, but I can’t let others know” a sad cop-out.

Well, there is only one way: ROMANS 10:9-11:


Pretty point on there, we must first believe in our hearts through faith that HE IS and we must then confess that belief openly and willingly, and then at His coming we will not be ashamed.

So, we all have a choice, surrender while there is time, call on Him while He is nigh, answer the door as He knocks on our hearts,(and for the record, if you are straddling this fence and putting off until tomorrow the decision for Christ, when you are not guaranteed a tomorrow to make that decision, I want you to know, if He has allowed this to come to you, you have consented by reading it, you are bound by it, you will never be able to stand before the Lord and plead blissful ignorance to these things, “to know to do good, and do it not, is a sin unto you”, heed this carefully)

You have been presented with YOUR choices, accept Him, and His Word, His Blessing, or reject Him and His blessings and keep the world, shun the Son, but know that one day, it will be you that He will shun.

Φλογίζω Σαλπιζω NBJ 2016  Original post 10/15/2015 REVISTED 01/27/2021

“And Yet… Part 3, “Yeah, it’s still a sin…”

Neither repented they of their murders, nor of their sorceries, nor of their fornication, nor of their thefts.” REVELATION 9:11

Boy, the fun you could have right there, discussing those topics with the modern candy coats. We all know that not many are “bold” enough, ( fancy term for hopelessly self-deceived enough) to argue murder is wrong.

Witchcraft wrong. Stealing? Yep, they will agree that is probably still wrong. But get up in their business concerning their sex lives and well now, maybe that is not so wrong.

Maybe they would like to argue that this scripture is somehow misinterpreted by the closed minds of old fogies who still hold old school doctrine.  I really did not know what more I could say other than what had been said and backed by scripture in my “Sin”trifugal” Force” series, which deals with sex, sex, and sex. But I knew if it was in this verse, well, like the other two posts it needs addressed because this is concerning the coming wrath and judgments from God and this is a wake up call to the fact that God is still Holy, all the aforementioned human actions are STILL considered wrong and He STILL expects repentance and hopefully many will before it is too late.

Pornography, the number one stronghold in the known world, thanks to television, the music industry, and talk shows, and let us never forget the dear old world-wide web, there is now available at a key stroke a world so insidious and so destructive to minds and devastating to souls that I do truly believe it is the enemies strongest card in his game and it has to stop.

Pornography is not a secular problem, it has also became a huge church problem (and we all do know that) and the only way to defeat it is to admit that it is a problem, ask God for help, repent and stop it!

Don’t keep picking up sin just because the world and maybe other “Christians” say that it is okay because you’re not hurting anyone, BUT you are!

You are hurting your soul and aiding an industry that preys on others in the worst possible way and I don’t care what your office is or how many times you go to church, you can not have this in your life and go to heaven but even more, you can not have this in your life and NOT be in the list of “yet repented not” and escape the wrath of God.

We all know that everything is a two-way street, so what is “fair for the goose is fair for the gander”, so consider that and apply it to this verse, it will be as true for females even though the Lord spoke it this way:

MATTHEW 5:27,28: “Ye have heard that it was said by them of old-time, THOU SHALT NOT COMMIT ADULTERY:  But I say unto you, that whosoever looketh on a woman to lust after her HATH COMMITTED ADULTERY WITH HER ALREADY IN HIS HEART.” 

And this is where He went on to tell us if something is causing us temptation to pluck it out, cut it off, whatever it takes but get it out of our lives because it would lead to hell. When I did the original teaching on it, I wrote for a church site and wanted to be very careful and not cause them any undue reproach so I went around a little of this and just gave reference scripture But now I want to give you indisputable proof ( IF you consider the Word of God to be the authority on the subject) that it has been around for a long time, God HATED it then, Guess what? HE HATES IT NOW!

He hates it because HE LOVES HIS PEOPLE AND KNOWS IT WILL HARM THEM. This is referenced as countries and the downfalls thereof and a clear picture of what is increasingly happening to one now, BUT it is a clear picture of the influence of being tempted into lust through images, in one of its early forms and the destructive waste it cause laid.

EZEKIEL 23:12-22:” She doted upon (lusted for) the Assyrians her neighbors, captains and rulers clothed most gorgeously, horsemen riding upon horses, all of them desirable young men. Then I saw that she was defiled, that they took both one way.

And that she increased her whoredoms (harlotry) for when she SAW men pourtrayed ( portraits drawn) upon the wall, IMAGES of the Chaldeans pourtryed with vermillion (drew with a red color), girded with the girdles upon their loins, exceeding in dyed attire upon their heads, all of them princes to look to, after the manner of the Babylonians of Chaldea, the land of their nativity;

And as SOON AS SHE SAW THEM WITH HER EYES, she doted upon ( lusted for) them, and sent messengers into Chaldea. And the Babylonians (sons of Babel) came to her in the bed of love, and THEY DEFILED HER WITH THEIR WHOREDOMS (immorality) and SHE WAS POLLUTED (defiled) with them, and HER MIND WAS ALIENATED FROM THEM, so she discovered (revealed) her whoredoms, and discovered (revealed) her nakedness: then my mind was alienated from her, like as my mind was alienated from her sister, (He was turned against them) 

YET she multiplied her whoredoms (Old English for immorality) in calling to her remembrance the days of her youth, wherein she played the harlot in the land of Egypt. For she doted upon ( lusted for ) their paramours ( illicit lovers), whose flesh is as the flesh of asses (donkeys) and whose issue is as the issue of horses. Thus thou calledest to  remembrance the lewdness of thy youth, in bruising thy teats by the Egyptians for the paps of thy youth.

THEREFORE, O Aholibah, thus saith the Lord God; Behold, I will raise up thy lovers AGAINST thee, from whom thy mind is alienated, and I will bring them AGAINST THEE ON EVERY SIDE;” 

A very clear picture of what happened, how it happened, what it caused and the consequence thereof.  Also quite a picture of certain country’s present behavior, but we’ll stick to our subject.

What you see can and will hurt you and even though you may feel like without physical action it means nothing, but reading this you can clearly see how looking lead to thinking, thinking led to setting it all in motion and then we see that THEY defiled HER with what they were and she became the same and God brought judgment down through those she betrayed him for.

This has always been a big subject to God, in the past generations people were taught to wait for marriage and that  was not questioned, and that one always married the opposite sex was also not questioned, and even though our society and “so-called “churches” has diminished it to just basic human behavior it is not, nor will it ever be.

If God lists it with idolatry, sorcery, and, killing someone, and stealing, how on earth can anyone seriously teach others that God has changed his mind?  

God wants everyone saved, sin is sin, and WE ALL HAVE sinned but God is faithful to save, and all that is required is to repent, do not be one of those who even, KNOWING the wrath of God still refuse to repent, God has given us ALL opportunity to be saved, to come to Him, and nothing shocks Him, He will never belittle or embarrass you and anything you confess to Him in secret is just that, it is between you and Him and you do not have to tell the whole world your struggles but you do have to see it for what it is and get rid of it before it gets rid of you!

 Repent and trust Jesus, In all these areas, put away false gods, forsake the devil and give up all the selfish behavior that goes with that. If you are already saved but maybe struggling a little, don’t beat yourself up, start a new day on a new path.

God didn’t call quitters, He called soldiers, who even after getting knocked down will get back up and march on, Satan just uses these things to snare and tear down so forget it, don’t talk about it and don’t think about it ( notice in our text she CALLED to her remembrance those days)  and NEVER let your guard down until God has helped you overcome it.

Quote this, pray this and get it soaked completely into your mind, because Jesus said that He would bring all things back to our remembrance that HE taught us:

JAMES: 1:12-16: “BLESSED is the man (human) that endureth temptation: for WHEN HE IS TRIED (tested), he shall receive the crown of life, which the Lord hath promised to them that love him.

Let no man say when he is tempted, i am tempted of God: for GOD CANNOT BE TEMPTED WITH EVIL, NEITHER TEMPTETH HE ANY MAN;


Do not err (do not be DECEIVED), my beloved brethren.”

  Mirrors what happened in Ezekiel, I promise, Gods word never changes.

ROMANS 6:12:” Let NOT sin therefore reign in your mortal body, that ye should obey it in the lusts thereof.

Again that verse clearing states what is going on there with the reference to OBEYING sin, to obey means that something has CONTROL over you. ROMANS 6: 14: “Sin SHALL NOT HAVE DOMINION OVER YOU, for ye are not under the law, but under grace.”

There goes the control, it will not have control if you do not let it and you will be BLESSED in overcoming it. Now for those who are not quite ready to repent or think this is all funny and a big joke, well, for you, if you die unrepentant before these things come to pass, know that you will die lost and there will be no second chances and God is ALLOWING YOU A CHANCE TODAY to be saved. If you do not die and still refuse to repent when these things start to come to pass and that could be very soon, please remember this and be one who does repent.

If you would like to read more on this subject, click on my “Digging a certain something” and scroll and click on “sexuality”.

For the companion posts in this series, click here: And Yet… Part 1 “Paganism”  and also, And Yet part 2 “Sorcerers”


Φλογιζω Σαλπιζω NBJ 2016


The sun may be shining, but it is night. The birds may be singing but it is night. For most, everything may appear well-lit and crystal clear but in the spirit world it is night.
For the addict who is one hit away from the mouth of hell, it is night. For the prostitute who is one trick away from the wrong John, who will be the devil incarnate come to assure her entrance into hell, it is night.
For the bullied teenager who is one razor blade away from ending it all, it is night. For those widowed and alone, whose loneliness eats away at their souls more viciously than any cancer, it is night.
For those persecuted and imprisoned for their beliefs or simply for the sick pleasure of the forces of hell, still the brightest of days with the greatest, blinding magnification of the sun is the suffocating blackness of the  most darkest of nights.
Night Watchmen, those hired to protect and oversee the goods and properties of their employer.
These particular watchmen actually being the biblical laborers hired in at that vital eleventh hour, because as dusk starts closing in, that harvest must not only be gathered, it must also be protected from the beasts of the field that attack to destroy it, even while the laborers work exhaustively to gather it.
As it is the eleventh hour, this work must be done in complete unity, all while following one light that will light their way through the rows, showing both the ready crops and revealing the awaiting dangers.
“Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path.” Psalm 119:105
These are the night watchmen of the Lord, they stand in the night hours when destruction and mischief are most common, and sin tries to take cover under the darkness of night.
While the rest of the world “sleeps”, these are they who will keep vigil, pray down strong holds, plead the blood of the Lamb over ones they have never even known and through intercessory prayer they will make a difference between life and death. They will through that prayer under the unified anointing of God will stand in the gap and make up the hedge around those who are unable to do it for themselves.
Their petitions before the throne of grace will break chains of abuse and addictions and the anointing of God will break the chains of abuse and addictions.
“BEHOLD, bless ye the Lord, all ye servants of the Lord, which by night stand in the house of the Lord.” Psalm 134:1
Watchmen know who they are, and Night watchmen even more so.

Be vigilant, do not get discouraged and know that the power of the anointing of the secret prayers you pray alone are known of God, “who sees in secret, and will reward you openly”.

Ask that your prayers be accepted in agreement of unity with all those who are called as you are.
Know this also that as this is the last Psalm in the “Songs of Degrees” (steps, stairs) and just as being “compassed about with songs in the night”, this is going somewhere, it is blessed and it is beginning of the “prayers of the saints.”
Φλογίζω/ Original Post:01/01/2015. All rights reserved. Rev. Nina Brown Johnson

**REVISITED 03/05/2021**



Please consider reading the remainder in this series, the links are below.




Resurgence of Ruth/


One of our most beloved historical events in American history is the ride of Paul Revere, as he proclaimed “The British are coming! The British are coming!”

I kinda got this in my head as I pondered my lead in for this blog, I feel like Chicken Little sometimes too. 

Are they ever going to believe me that the sky really is falling?

But as a messenger of the Lord, I haven’t the option of being a chicken, so I’ll go with Revere, only I am kinda short so I’d have to ride a Shetland Pony, but it’s all gonna end the same!

My proclamation would be, “The candy coats are coming! The candy coats are coming! Then half way through I’d dismount my trusty steed, because THE CANDY COATS ARE ALREADY HERE AND NO ONE EVEN TRIED TO RESIST THEIR INVASION!

2 Timothy 2:1-7: “This know also that in the last days perilous times shall come. For men shall be lovers of themselves, covetous (money lovers), boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy, without natural affection, trucebreakers, false accusers, slanders (without self-control), fierce (brutal) despisers of those that are good, traitors, heady(reckless) high minded (haughty and proud) lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God; having a form of Godliness but denying the power thereof; FROM SUCH TURN AWAY.

For of this sort are they which creep into houses, and  lead captive silly women laden with sins, led away with divers lusts, EVER LEARNING, AND NEVER ABLE TO COME TO THE KNOWLEDGE OF THE TRUTH.”
Sound familiar? Pretty accurate description of the condition of the present world. They are the false teachers, false prophets who “preach” to ears that do not want to hear the truth, ears that want to be reassured that there is no eternal punishment for sin and that Jesus is gooey love and just begs to be worshiped with no prerequisite  for entering his presence.

No, He is Holy, we worship him, he does not worship us! We were created for his pleasure, he doesn’t exist for our pleasure!
They refuse to mention Hell, it must be called Hades, because we can’t scare people, well, HELL, HELL, HELL, not saying it is not keeping people from going there every day!

I love people, I do not bash “sinners” we were all sinners, but if you do not tell people the truth, how are they being helped?

And using the old routine to invite them into church and love on them and it will eventually rub off is a joke!
We are saved by conviction through the Holy Spirit revealing to us what miserable, wretched creatures we are.

The “rub off” theory only gives people a false sense of security that they are eternally safe. That is not true, one of the greatest old sayings is this, “The road to hell is paved with good intentions”.

Satan is using the very ones that were supposed to lead them to the Lord to instead lead them straight into hell.
As I’ve said before I know where I came from and I thank God for the people he put in my life that really did love me enough to tell me the truth!
So we can’t mention sin, we can’t mention hell but we can sure mention offerings and church events and preaching to X number of people. Gonna look great with your doctorate degree but don’t think it’ll win you a crown.
As Jesus said, they are the children of their father, the Devil.


I will therefore put you in remembrance, though you once knew this, how that the Lord, HAVING SAVED THE PEOPLE OUT OF THE LAND OF EGYPT, AFTERWARD DESTROYED THEM THAT BELIEVED NOT.

And the angels which kept not their first estate, but left their own habitation, HE HATH RESERVED IN EVERLASTING CHAINS UNDER DARKNESS UNTO THE JUDGMENT OF THE GREAT DAY.


Likewise these filthy dreamers defile the flesh, despise dominion, and speak evil of dignities.

But they speak evil of those things which they know not: but what they know naturally as brute beasts, IN THOSE THINGS THEY CORRUPT THEMSELVES.

Raging waves of the sea, FOAMING OUT OF THEIR OWN SHAME; WANDERING STARS ( When Lucifer was cast out of heaven he took one-third of the angels with him, written as a third of the stars) TO WHOM IS RESERVED THE BLACKNESS OF DARKNESS FOREVER.” 

Now to get a Sister a little back up! It would be one thing to dispute me, but Apostle Paul is a different matter:

“Wherefore I take to you record this day, that I am pure from the blood of all men. For I have not shunned to declare unto you all the counsel of God. 

TAKE HEED therefore unto yourselves, and to all the flock over which the Holy Ghost hath made you overseers, to feed the church of God, which he hath purchased with his own blood.




Lord’s will, next time we’ll get into a little judgment that the Lord is going to bring down on all these. I guarantee you, it will not be a fruity  flavored dish either, it’ll be more like an extra, extra rare steak, juicy, meaty and really, really bloody.


All rights reserved. Rev. Nina BrownJohnson 2015


As we continue to deal with the “sin”trifugal force that has taken over our country, ruined marriages, destroyed families not to mention individual lives. I want to be crystal clear about a little something.
It is a near impossibility to teach or speak against sexual sin without being accused of being a prude, fogey or my favorite, HOMOPHOBIC.
I can assure everyone that I am none of the above. I did not grow up in church, I was saved from about as far as you can go in the “world” and make it back out. I harbor no ill will or prejudice against anyone based on their sexual preferences.
There is the point, it should not EVEN have to be debated, I am still waiting for someone to tell me it’s okay to preach that people CAN steal or kill, or break any of the other commandments and STILL make to heaven, yeah, then the feathers would ruffle wouldn’t they?
If people want to live these lives that is their choice. But to drag Christ into it and twist his word and his love and the allowances it makes in our lives , well that’s another thing and that provokes the right to defend true Christianity.
Sex, once upon a time it would have been considered a disgrace to even discuss such things outside the marriage and thanks to the sex kittens of the fifties, the musical invasion and free love of the sixties, the anything goes attitude of the seventies, giving birth to movies like “Pretty Woman” and “American Gigolo” famous for romanticizing prostitution in the eighties.

Masters and Johnson, Dr. Ruth, Jerry Springer and a host of others building financial empires from the publicized smut and degradation of others, that would for a mere moment of perceived fame would sell their souls to the devil himself.
The nineties bearing the harvest of those twisted seeds, springing up in the teen generation in the form of “friends with benefits’ and being advised by Sex Ed teachers to try everything and anything until they discover their sexual identity.

Entire television shows dedicated to paternity testing to determine after countless tests who really fathered the babies of seemingly bewildered mothers.
Whatever happened to the good ol’ warnings about AIDS and STD’s that once graced the late night television airwaves? They have now been replaced by infomercials for the sex industry and condom ad’s, be safe you never know what you might catch?!!
As everyone stood blindly by, Satan infiltrated our culture until it is spoon fed this filth day and night, never taking a pause.
We are in a completely demoralized state in this country, where nothing, nothing is sacred. If we do not stand up now when it has spiraled so far down, please tell me what it will be for the next generation?
To God, SIN IS SIN. Point blank.

There is no difference between having an affair with a married person than having a homosexual relationship and no difference between either of those and premarital relations.

We may see it differently but He is just, this is sin and if not repented of, it will absolutely get you a one way ticket to hell.
Jesus even upped the Ante with this statement from Matthew 5:27-29: “Ye have heard that it was said by them of old time, THOU SHALT NOT COMMIT ADULTERY: But I say unto you, That whosoever looketh upon a woman in lust after her hath committed adultery with her already in his heart. And if thy right eye offend thee (causes you to sin) pluck it out, and cast it from thee: for it is profitable for thee that one of thy members should perish, and not that the whole body should be cast into hell.”

That also applies to the ladies, male or female, it is what it is and he says what he means and means what he says.
SIN TAKES RESIDENCE IN THE HEART and he searches the heart, if we know something is a temptation for us, it is our responsibility to stay away from that, to cast it away, the strength of that word meaning to throw it as far away from you as possible.

Don’t hang after it or watch it dance on Friday nights!
You, yourself must fight, but if you pray he will help you do it. God knows we are tempted in this world, just as Lot vexed (troubled) his own soul by choosing to live in Sodom. Just being exposed to THEIR SIN, AFFECTED HIS SOUL, we must stay on guard.
There is NO SHAME in going to him in prayer, he will never embarrass you and he will help you but you have to be honest with him and then stay away from it.
So, maybe you have a friend or know someone who really, really believes that they are in love with a person of the same sex, I am so sorry, but it can’t be done.
It is the same argument heterosexuals use to justify divorcing a spouse they’ve been married to for thirty years and shacking up with someone else.

“The heart is DECEITFUL above all things and desperately wicked; who can know it?” Jeremiah 17:9

We are taught to follow our hearts, it is often said “The heart wants what the heart wants” it would be better stated like this “The flesh wants what the flesh wants”  and it has nothing to do with love.
That is why God tells us his plan is one male, one female, joined AS ONE, as for the often questioned multiple wives of the Old Testament, Well like everything else, this was man’s doing, one guy named Lamech started this,(Genesis 4:19) all it takes is one bad apple, after he did it, everyone wanted multiple wives and yet women could only have one husband!
Sometimes we have feelings that are mistaken for love , when actually it is a displaced need for acceptance and trying to fill a void in our souls, just as with promiscuity, a need to feel like we belong and often our identities are tied to our sexuality, that being said, if a parade is needed to prove self worth than how great is the feeling of worthlessness inside?
God and God alone fills those voids.

Matthew 22:29,30:
The Sadducees tried to hassle Jesus about whose wife a woman would be in the afterlife, had she been married to and widowed of seven brothers, “Jesus answered and said unto them, Ye do err, not knowing the scriptures, NOR the power of God. For in the resurrection they neither marry, nor are given in marriage, but are as the angels of God.”
No males, no females and certainly no flesh. No matter who says this is not sin, please don’t listen to them, anyone who says they have no sin is a liar and this is the Bibles final word on the subject.
“I wrote unto you in an epistle to NOT keep company with fornicators (sexually immoral people).
“Yet not altogether (not just them) with the fornicators of THIS WORLD, or with the covetous, or extortioners, or with idolaters; for then must ye needs go out of the world.

“Know ye not that the unrighteous shall NOT inherit the kingdom of God? BE NOT DECEIVED: neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate,nor abusers of themselves with mankind, nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners, shall inherit the kingdom of God.”     1 Corinthians 6:9-10

Sin is sin, this is why he doubled assured this list and put it all on here, one sin is no different from the other.
No big sin, no little sin but no sin will get into heaven.
“And such we some of you: BUT ye are washed, BUT ye are sanctified, BUT ye are justified in the name of the Lord Jesus and by the spirit of God.” 1 Corinthians 6:11

Let the world go and live for the truth, share the true Gospel, we were all sinners and we know the saving grace of God.

To let others be deceived into believing they are saved without repentance and the covering of the blood is the most cruel, cruel thing we could ever do.
If we love them we will tell them the truth, because it is not about being kind or a wonderful person, it is simply the truth of God and I have shown you in the word of God, that HE SAID these things are sin, and there is no way around that.


06/26/2021 Authors note* The original post date is 11/14/2014 and oh my, how much farther we have fallen into this deception!

Now this is of course to be considered “hateful”, becaues it is now considered hateful to preach against sin, preaching that God ordained of old to SAVE mankind from their sins, but now those who sit smugly dressed behind their white clery collars promoting actions that the Bible states as absolute abominations to God, justifying also the slaughter of unborn babies, and yet they profess to speak on behalf of Christ, while deceiving people into falsely beliving that they will have eternal life, making themselves and their deceiftful actions an abomination, as scripture states, they twist the word into their own damanation.

Carefully read these words from Jude, 3-23 : “Beloved, when I gave all diligence to write unto you of the common salvation, it was needful for me to write unto you, and exhort (strongly urge) you that you should earnestly contend (fight) for the faith which was once (once and for all) delivered unto the saints. 

For there are certain men (people) crept in unawares (unnoticed), who were before of old ordained to this condemation, UNGODLY men turning the GRACE of our Lord into lasciviousness, and denying the only Lord God, and our Lord Jesus Christ.

 I will therefore put you in remembrance,though you once knew this, how the Lord having saved the people out of Eygpt, afterward destroyed them that believed not.

And the angels which kept not their first estate (proper domain), but left their own habiation (rebelled against God), he hath reserved (has kept now) in everlasting chains under darkness unto the judgement of the great day.

Even as Sodom and Gomorrah, and the cities about them in like manner (the cities surrounding them sinned also having seen it in Sodom), GIVING THEMSELVES over to fornication (sexual immorality), and going after strange flesh, are set forth for an example, suffering the vengenance of eternal fire.

Likewise, also these filthy dreamers defile the flesh, despise dominion, and speak evil of dignities. 

Yet Michael the archangel, when contending with the devil he disputed about the body of Moses, durst (dared) not bring against him railing accusation. but said, The Lord rebuke thee. (Michael did not accues the enemy, he left judgment and retribution up to the Lord)

But THESE speak evil of those things which they know NOT: but what they know naturally , as brute beasts, in those things they CORRUPT themselves.

Woe unto them!  for they have gone in the way of Cain, and ran greedily after the error of Balaam for reward (LYING TO PEOPLE ABOUT SIN FOR MONEY AND PRESTIGE), and perished in the gainsaying of Coen (were destroyed because of their rebellion).

These ARE spots in your feats of charity, when they feast with you,  feeding themselves without fear (NO fear of the Lord or his judgment); clouds they are WITHOUT water (can give no REAL hope or help), carried about of the winds (Condoning anything and everything that is at the moment profit for them), trees whose fruit withereth, WITHOUT fruit, twice dead, plucked up by the roots.

RAGING waves of the sea, foaming out of their own shame; wandering stars, to whom is RESERVED the blackness of darkness for ever. 

And Enoch also the seventh from Adam, propehesied of these. saying,Behold, the Lord cometh with ten thousand of his saints, to execute jugdment upon all, and to convince (convict) all that are ungodly among them of their ungodly deeds which they have ungodly committed, and of all of their hard speeches which ungodly sinners have spoken against him (speaking against the Lord and his commandments).

These ARE murmurers, complainers, walking after their OWN lusts, and their mouths speak great swelling words, HAVING men’s persons in admiration becaues of advantage (trying to impress those they can gain something from).

BUT beloved, remember ye the words which were spoken before of (by) the apostles of our Lord Jesus Christ; How that they told you there should (would) be mockers in the last time (days), who should walk after their own ungodly lusts. These be they who seperate themselves, sensul (carnal), having NOT the Spirit.

But ye (you) beloved, building up yourselves in your most holy faith, praying in the Holy Ghost. Keep yourselves in the love of God, looking for the mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ unto eternal life.  And of some have compassion, making a difference (distinction). And others save with fear, pulling them out of the fire, hating even the garment spotted (defiled) by the flesh.”

No one is required to serve Jesus, but those who do wish to serve him and have eternal life have to abide, as all who serve him, by his Word, and that Word will never change.

The passage above is about those who do twist his words and teach others that there is no need for repentance and “grace” covers everything, grace does cover BUT we have to become new and forgo our old ways and habits, that is the reason it is pointed out to us that even though God brought them out of Egypt there were also those who were destroyed because of their rebellion after they had been brought out of bondage.

We are also told why they continue to promote things they know to be wrong, they want money, admiration, and they want popularity, BUT they do not care at all for souls, I personally don’t think they even believe in the God they profess, since they have absolutely no fear of speaking contrary to his word.

What really kills me is that to look at this in context, people have the right to so as they choose but as a Christian you CAN NOT condone it as if it is okay with God, you are not helping them, the compassion spoken of above is that true compassion is praying for them to know the true God and the truth of his word, saving them from eternal destruction.

Anyone who is saved now truly thanks those who loved them enough to ask them to repent, if you find your friend lying on the floor with a needle in their arm your sure not going to say, “Way to go Buddy, express yourself, I am here for you!”

It is what it is and God’s children can not condone it and if you do you will be held accountable for that person, having an oppurtunity to witness to them in love, with the truth and choosing to go the way of the world.

More in this series: Part 1 ,and Part 3    

    “Whiter than snow”

Original Post Date: 11/14/2014. All rights reserved.

Rev. Nina Brown Johnson 2015 


Centrifugal force, the force which causes a rotating body to literally flee away from its center. At the moment the entire world is in severe state of “sin”trifugal  force, so sin laden, perverted and brain tripped that it is fleeing from the very center of the creator’s intents and purposes.
When the Pope, the leader of one of the world’s largest, most strict religious organizations announces that the church should find a place for gay families, then it’s “Hello, Houston, we have a bad, bad problem”.
Not getting into a Catholic thing with this either, because it has crept into almost all denominations across the board.
The number one question that I would love to ask is, what are they reading? I heard one lady, years ago try to argue this from the point that Jesus actually never said that, oh, but he did!
So let’s get into a couple of things and see what GOD in HIS word had to say about it and maybe one day get some blinders off people before it is too late.
The spirit that overflowed Sodom has permeated every aspect of our culture. we can’t even have a burger commercial without the buns being compared to women’s
bottoms, again feeding the beast that links the sexual degradation of women to the violence against them, not even salad dressings are safe, now we must have a dude getting his shirt caught and ripped off, laced with innuendos and it never stops.
Plumbing products, hair products, “nude” candy bars, ice cream, nothing is safe from being eroticized.                       

Retail giant who couldn’t resist using exotic male dancers  in their Christmas commercial in attempt to “jingle” up their sales profit  (happy to say, in my area they were out of business by the next year) elders in cereal advertisement raving it’s aphrodisiac effects.
The list could go on, and on, and on (much like the scroll of judgments against earth, written on both sides that go on and on, do we really need to question why?
Everything in our culture breaths sex, sex and more sex and the first topic  we will deal with is pornography and the link of what goes in the eye and the damaging effects on the soul.
Once it is there, it is there. Not only is this a “world” issue many, many Christians struggle against it.
The false teachers and false prophets now on their mission to convince everyone that God is okay with all this because we are “sexual” beings and it truth, we most certainly are NOT.
We are spiritual beings, God having placed those desires in us for reproduction. Period.
“And God blessed them, and God said unto them BE FRUITFUL AND MULTIPLY, and replenish the earth, and subdue it: Genesis 1:28
His idea for a beautiful, pure relationship that he has blessed to be enjoyed between a male and a female.
The attraction he allows to blossom in that relationship is not carnal, it is for reproduction.
I think we can safely determine the rating of its true importance based on the fact that there are times that he has required a period of abstinence by his people, to further purify them.
This was his command for Moses to relay to the Hebrews during their three-day sanctification period, before His ascending Mount Sinai, “And he said unto the people, Be ready against (for) the third day: Come not at (near to) your wives.” Exodus 19:15, referenced in 1 Corinthians 7:5.
So if He requires times of purification of his children, how does he feel about those acts that are absolute abominations to him according to his word?
I am really not comfortable putting the details here, so you look them up, the original pornography can be found  in Ezekiel 23, it describes the “portraits” that adorned their walls with shocking detail. It also details His absolute disgust at all of it.
The chapter is set up as countries, but it applies to the people in those countries.
Ezekiel 23 deals heavily with this subject and how they wallowed in the sexual sin, that they knew he detested, then acted as if it were perfectly acceptable. He then goes on to pronounce judgment upon judgment against them.
The biggest battle we face in bringing in the last day harvest is undoing all the damage false preachers and teachers have caused  so many.
Not one scripture in the Bible will tell you that it is okay to act like a group of wild animals and sleep with everyone  you meet and that somehow God is still going to pat you on the back and say “Well Done, Enter in”. Not gonna happen!
Does no one remember when Moses came down from the mountain and they had made the golden calf and were worshiping it by having a big drunken, pagan orgy?
God was furious! How can these malicious self-proclaimed
“ministers” tell them this is okay? Why not go ahead and tell them to break all the other commandments too, why not steal a couple of grand, why not kill a few people? According to them, God doesn’t punish it anyway, he is their god of gumdrops and lollipops,  the god of their imagination.
But there is a real God and he is growing very tired of  his name being polluted by them, and just as Moses broke those tablets,  God is getting ready to break these false teachers.
Anyone who says you can go to heaven unrepentant is a liar and the puppet of Satan and I don’t care who they are or what signet ring they wear or what their degrees are in.
Tetzel couldn’t even make it in this market! Obviously nothing is a sin, so what could you possibly go to hell for?
“Meats for the belly, and the belly for meats: But God shall destroy it and them. NOW THE BODY IS NOT FOR FORNICATION (SEX), BUT FOR THE LORD; AND THE LORD FOR THE BODY.” 1 Corinthians 6:13,15
“Know ye not that your bodies are members of Christ? shall I then take the members of Christ, AND MAKE THEM  TO THE MEMBERS OF A HARLOT? GOD FORBID.
It does not matter to God. SIN IS SIN. Whether it is committing lust through viewing pornography, or movies that may as well be, having a relationship outside of marriage ( the love stuff’s not going to get it as an excuse with him either) or homosexuality, or an extra marital affair. He does not care what your excuse is, to him, IT IS ALL FLESH, IT IS SIN AND IT MUST BE REPENTED OF.
As the body driven by the sin force speeds farther and farther away from the will of God, now having managed to corrupt even some who once believed and served God, they are now being driven deeper and deeper into damnation.
Guard your mind, guard your heart and never buy the lies of this world.

If you would like to read more in this series: “Not to rain on the parade”  and “Brain Damage” and Whiter than snow

REVISTED 06/25/2021 People may change, “times” may change, God and His Word will never change.
Original Post Date:11/07/2014 (FOWC/Avenue). All rights reserved. Rev. Nina Brown Johnson 2015


The deceived, the souls who have bought into the lies of Satan, those who have chosen to forsake a Holy God and follow a fallen angel, accepting his damnable belief that they will all be going to a sin ridden party in hell, to continue to wallow in all the filth they wallow in on this earth.
Yes, there is a growing number who really, really believe this. There are also those who choose to believe in heaven but not hell. Those whose choose to believe the lies spoon fed to them but those that title themselves “ministers” who not only do not know the Lord but are a disgrace and abomination in using his holy name, who convince them that yes, they can wallow in their sins, never repent but yet one day walk with the Lord. Oh my how special and convenient for them!
Jesus Christ, the same yesterday, today and forever. He does not change nor does his word… for anyone.
Again, the music, all genres having lyrics touting the fact that heaven is a bore and hell is where it’s at and they laugh and they laugh. Like the pagan rituals that mock death.

So deceived that the correct party song for this bunch should be “Hi ho, Hi ho, it’s off to hell I go”!
Isaiah 28:15, 17-19: “BECAUSE YE HAVE SAID, WE HAVE MADE A COVENANT WITH DEATH, AND WITH HELL WE ARE IN AGREEMENT; when the overflowing scourge shall pass through, it shall not come unto us; for we have made lies or refuge, and under falsehood we have hid ourselves.

Judgment I will lay to the line, and righteousness to the plummet: and hail shall sweep away your refuge of lies, and the waters shall overflow the hiding place. AND YOUR COVENANT WITH DEATH SHALL BE DISANNULLED, AND YOUR AGREEMENT WITH HELL SHALL NOT STAND when the overflowing scourge shall pass through, then ye shall be trodden down by it.

For the time it goeth forth it shall take you: for morning by morning shall it pass over, by day and by night: AND IT SHALL BE A VEXATION (TERROR) JUST TO READ THE REPORT.”

That’s God’s thought on the subject!

Their reservations for their perceived notion of hell will be suddenly cancelled and his wrath and holy anger will be poured out with such fury that, as we know, they will beg rocks to fall on them to hide them from his face, they who laughed at death, will now beg for it only to have it flee from them, so abominable that even that even death will say to them, “I will not save you!”
Soon to be cast into a literal lake of fire to burn forever, alongside their now helpless master, to be fed with the sorrow that they were so quick to feed others on his behalf.
I think these are in the worst condition of all, because even those who have served devils and worshiped Satan have been wise enough to repent.
Those who do not believe are already condemned, but these people do believe, they simply do not care, they are so blind that they really do not care if they go to hell.
Who are they?  Jude 8:10,13:”Likewise also these filthy dreamers defile the flesh, despise dominion, and speak evil of dignities. But these speak evil of those things which they know not: But what they know naturally, as brute beasts, IN THOSE THINGS THEY CORRUPT THEMSELVES. Raging waves of the sea, foaming out of their own shame; wandering stars, TO WHOM IS RESERVED THE BLACKNESS OF DARKNESS FOREVER.” 
Now for the saddest scripture in the Bible, this is even after they know he is real, he is bringing wrath on earth, this is their response. 
Revelation 9:20,21:”And the rest of the men (humans) which were not killed by these plagues YET REPENTED NOT of the works of their hands, that they should not worship devils, and idols of gold, and of silver, and of brass, and stone and of wood: which can neither see, nor hear, nor walk: NEITHER REPENTED THEY OF THEIR MURDERS, NOR OF THEIR SORCERIES, NOR OF THEIR FORNICATION, NOR OF THEIR THEFTS.”
Most of us know people like this and they can be very frustrating to deal with. I have people in my family who have been messed up with witchcraft and those who profess to be atheists, I do understand.
My flesh often wants to say, “Well when seventy-five pound hail stones starts hitting the ground, you will hit your knees!” But God does not want that, he wants his word to be peaceful and easily absorbed.
Try not to get angry with them, keep praying that their eyes will be opened. Keep planting seed, God’s word will not come back void, he uses one to plant, another to water and he gives the increase.
Paul, who as Saul hated Christians had his eyes opened by the Lord and went on the be the greatest Apostle of the Lord and wrote most of the New Testament. all things are possible with God, so never give up on them!
Finally, Revelation 21:7,8 “He that overcometh shall inherit all things; and I will be his God, and he shall be my son.

But the fearful (cowardly), and the unbelieving, and the abominable, and the murderers, and whoremongers (sexually immoral) and sorcerers, and idolaters, and all liars, SHALL HAVE THEIR PART IN THE LAKE WHICH BURNETH WITH FIRE AND BRIMSTONE: WHICH IS THE SECOND DEATH”
“Hell is RESERVED for the devils and his angels” it is so sad that so many are making reservations to be there with them.

More in this series, please check out: Demons, Devil, & Deceived #1 Fallen       Demons, Devil, & Deceived #3 Hell
Original Post Date:10/17/2014. All rights reserved. Rev. Nina BrownJohnson 2015


The deceived, the souls who have bought into the lies of Satan, those who have chosen to forsake a Holy God and follow a fallen angel, accepting his damnable belief that they will all be going to a sin ridden party in hell, to continue to wallow in all the filth they wallow in on this earth.
Yes, there is a growing number who really, really believe this. There are also those who choose to believe in heaven but not hell. Those whose choose to believe the lies spoon fed to them but those that title themselves “ministers” who not only do not know the Lord but are a disgrace and abomination in using his holy name, who convince them that yes, they can wallow in their sins,never repent but yet one day walk with the Lord. Oh my how special and convenient for them!
Jesus Christ, the same yesterday, today and forever. He or His word do not change for anyone.
Again, the music, all genres having lyrics touting the fact that heaven is a bore and hell is where it’s at and they laugh and they laugh. Like the pagan rituals that mock death. So deceived that the correct party song for this bunch should be “Hi ho, Hi ho, it’s off to hell I go”!
“BECAUSE YE HAVE SAID, WE HAVE MADE A COVENANT WITH DEATH, AND WITH HELL WE ARE IN AGREEMENT; when the overflowing scourge shall pass through, it shall not come unto us; for we have made lies or refuge, and under falsehood we have hid ourselves. Judgment I will lay to the line, and righteousness to the plummet: and hail shall sweep away your refuge of lies, and the waters shall overflow the hiding place. AND YOUR COVENANT WITH DEATH SHALL BE DISANNULLED, AND YOUR AGREEMENT WITH HELL SHALL NOT STAND when the overflowing scourge shall pass through, then ye shall be trodden down by it. For the time it goeth forth it shall take you: for morning by morning shall it pass over, by day and by night: AND IT SHALL BE A VEXATION (TERROR) JUST TO READ THE REPORT.”
Isaiah 28:15, 17-19
That’s God’s thought on the subject! Their reservations for their perceived notion of hell will be suddenly cancelled and his wrath and holy anger will be poured out with such fury that, as we know, they will beg rocks to fall on them to hide them from his face, they who laughed at death, will now beg for it only to have it flee from them, so abominable that even that even death will say to them, I will not save you!
Soon to be cast into a literal lake of fire to burn forever, alongside their now helpless master, to be fed with the sorrow that they were so quick to feed others on his behalf.
I think these are in the worst condition of all, because even those who have served devils and worshiped Satan have been wise enough to repent.
Those who do not believe are already condemned, but these people do believe, they simply do not care, they are so blind that they really do not care if they go to hell.
Who are they? “Likewise also these filthy dreamers defile the flesh, despise dominion, and speak evil of dignities. But these speak evil of those things which they know not: But what they know naturally, as brute beasts, IN THOSE THINGS THEY CORRUPT THEMSELVES. Raging waves of the sea, foaming out of their own shame; wandering stars, TO WHOM IS RESERVED THE BLACKNESS OF DARKNESS FOREVER.” Jude 8:10,13
Now for the saddest scripture in the Bible, this is even after they know he is real, he is bringing wrath on earth, this is their response. Revelation 9:20,21
“And the rest of the men (humans) which were not killed by these plagues YET REPENTED NOT of the works of their hands, that they should not worship devils, and idols of gold, and of silver, and of brass, and stone and of wood: which can neither see, nor hear, nor walk: NEITHER REPENTED THEY OF THEIR MURDERS, NOR OF THEIR SORCERIES, NOR OF THEIR FORNICATION, NOR OF THEIR THEFTS.”
Most of us know people like this and they can be very frustrating to deal with. I have people in my family who have been messed up with witchcraft and those who profess to be atheists, I understand.
My flesh often wants to say, “Well when seventy-five pound hail stones starts hitting the ground, you will hit your knees!” But God does not want that, he wants his word to be peaceful and easily absorbed.
Try not to get angry with them, keep praying that their eyes will be opened. Keep planting seed, God’s word will not come back void, he uses one to plant, another to water and he gives the increase.
Paul, who as Saul hated Christians had his eyes opened by the Lord and went on the be the greatest Apostle of the Lord and wrote most of the New Testament. all things are possible with God, so never give up on them!
Finally, Revelation 21:7,8 “He that overcometh shall inherit all things; and I will be his God, and he shall be my son. But the fearful (cowardly), and the unbelieving, and the abominable, and the murderers,
and whoremongers (sexually immoral) and sorcerers, and idolaters, and all liars, SHALL HAVE THEIR PART IN THE LAKE WHICH BURNETH WITH FIRE AND BRIMSTONE: WHICH IS THE SECOND DEATH.”
“Hell is RESERVED for the devils and his angels” it is so sad that so many are making reservations to be there with them.

More in this series, please check out: Demons, Devil, & Deceived #1 Fallen       Demons, Devil, & Deceived #3 Hell
Original Post Date:10/17/2014. All rights reserved. Rev. Nina BrownJohnson 2015