Listen on Anchor

Happy Sunday! I just wanted to add a link here for the Anchor Podcast that is being offered to us WordPressers, I like all of you are”Working on a Building” as the song goes, so if you’d like to check any of these out, I have turned some of the old ones into podcasts and of course the new ones will be there also.

I am using the Remy voice to convert them and sometimes the words are spelled out instead of pronounced, so please bear with me, I live on the premise that “Nothing ventured, Nothing gained”, so I am hoping to get better at it.

If you would like to listen to any of those, please visit:

Shew, It’s hard to believe what takes hours to write can be condescended to five or six minutes when spoken, kinda reminds me when I started out in ministry, and a wonderful pastor and assistant pastor took me in and gave me live appointments and I also had the wonderful opportunity to preach on his radio broadcast, which with him sharing his time with me, put my half right at fifteen minutes, so these should be about right on cue for how my ministry has played out, but I do hope they will be a blessing to someone, somewhere, hope to be back in  a few days with a new post.

Until then Thank you so much for reading, subscribing, and spending some of your life with me!

I truly appreciate and until next time, God Bless you with a beautiful tomorrow despite what may be going on today!

Sister Nina