“Me, me, me.. and I am singing that!”

Well, I suppose if I am asking you to give me a shot and take your time to read me, I may need to let you know a little about what this blog is about. First off I have a secret fantasy of being a backup Cabaret singer so that explains the title!

Of course with my calling in the Lord I really don’t think that will ever be an option. And I am good with that, no offense to back up Cabaret singers intended. I love to express in all my work one simple truth about myself. I DID NOT grow up in church and God brought me from about as far as you can go in the world and come back out.

My life was as messed up as it could possibly get and I really believed that Christians were awesome people, but I had listened to the lies of Satan and also believed that I was just bad and that Jesus could never love me. But you know what one day he showed me just how much he did! He took all of my pain, all my wounds, all my scars that were so deep I could not even acknowledge them without his Holy presence, and he allowed me to feel a love, a peace and a joy that words can never express and I can assure you, he loves ALL the lost the same way!

He died for all of us! He did not do it just so we could come to Him and be turned away because we are in our frail sin stricken state. No, He never does that, He says, “Come” and He will make all things new and that newness begins in you!

I hope you will laugh, and maybe sometimes cry, but that above all a word will touch you with the love of the eternal Father who wants to hold you and wipe away every tear and encourage you to live your life in Him.

You may find my work sometimes controversial, maybe even quite uncomfortable but God is God over all aspects of our life and we must be real with Him so he can help us. I will tell you the truth as I feel it revealed to me, but I do not do candy coating, that is a major problem today.

We all must repent, He will not allow us to wallow in a hog’s trough of sin and then welcome us into his presence and anyone who tells you that is possible is a lying puppet of Satan.

I also war against the old school notion that He hates women  and little animals (the sacrificed animals of the Old Testament FED the Levites and their families) and that he left men to rule with iron fists, so not true again!

He IS Holy, He IS gentle, He IS the Word and being that, He IS the ultimate double-edged sword, He was born as a man yet He IS God, He IS judgment yet He IS mercy, He IS life yet He IS death, He holds all power in heaven and earth. And at HIS name every knee shall bow and every demon must flee.

HE IS “THE I AM THAT IS”. He is Jesus and He IS the love of my life and as Mary, we will set at His beautiful nail scarred  feet in adoration while listening as His spirit guides us to new levels of worship and oneness as the soon coming merging of Him and the church begins to take place, the wonderful state of the oneness of our collective voice becoming truly completely surrendered into to unison with His.

 So please join me as we delve into who He really is and who He created us to be, because HE IS THE I AM THAT IS and that is who He will forever be. 

 Authors Note* 09/17/2015 Please also overlook my little disclaimer, I want the Gospel to be spread but my posts were hijacked by a group whose slogan is anything but Christian, you can read more about that in my post “Dear Christian’s Anonymous”. So please if you feel someone would enjoy one of them or be encouraged, please, by all means, share!

For more: Dreaming in Greek

Down low on Φλογιζω

Women of ministry

