Φλογιζω site navigation

Hi! Thank you for checking out my site. I hope that you will find a scripture or thought that encourages you during your journey with Jesus Christ

My site is set up mainly for desktop, so please be patient in navigation.

The site is set to infinite scroll, so if you are using a mobile device, please click the post title and it will then give access to a main bottom menu which is located at the very end of the posts.

From there you can scroll through different options, post titles, and also use the search bar at top to search by subject, example: “Jesus” or “Apocalypse”, or just a word or phrase or the name of a certain book of the Bible, and it will load all posts tagged in that category.

There are almost six hundred selections at the time of this update so I hope you will find teachings on the subject of interest.

It is also my mission to provide teaching on some of the deeper and often darker subjects that face us in this present world.So check out my topics section, it can be found under the “Digging a certain something?” widget and go from there.

Older series can be accessed also through the “Posts” section. There are also “scriptures in pictures”, translate, and a few other options to choose from.

Also the series for ladies posted in Alabaster Breaking is from a sister site that I no longer have, I simply added those post to this site.

I hope to one day have a little better site navigation, but for now I appreciate your patience with this!

Thank you and God Bless!

Sister Nina

Φλογιζω (phlogizo)